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HK Ruokatalo Group Oyj  STOCK EXCHANGE BULLETIN 15 Dec. 2006, 11.25am


Under Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act, we
hereby announce that HK Ruokatalo Group Oyj has received the following
disclosure about conditional change in ownership.

On 10 November 2006 Swedish Meats notified a conditional agreement
that would, when completed, result in Swedish Meats' holding in HK
Ruokatalo Group Oyj reaching 12.32 percent of the share capital and
3.41 percent of the voting rights. The completion of the agreement
requires a second assembly resolution by Swedish Meats, for which a
meeting will be held on 21 December 2006. HK Ruokatalo Group Oyj will
hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on 22 December
2006 to resolve on authorising the Board of Directors to issue the
shares in respect of the agreement.

LSO Osuuskunta and Swedish Meats have now come to an understanding
regarding an exchange of shares, conditional to the above agreement
being completed, which will result in the voting rights of Swedish
Meats in HK Ruokatalo Group increasing to 12.32 percent as opposed
3.41 percent as provided by the original agreement notified on 10
November 2006. In addition to the completion of the original
agreement, a resolution of the Board of Directors of HK Ruokatalo
Group is required for the share exchange.

Name of the target company: HK Ruokatalo Group Oyj
Date of change in holding: yet to be specified
Exact proportion of share capital and voting rights:

                Number     Proportion of    Proportion of
                           share capital    voting rights
K-shares:      665,000             1.69%            9.37%
A-shares     4,178,000            10.63%            2.95%
Total        4,843,000            12.32%           12.32%

Shareholder's complete name and cpompany ID:
Swedish Meats ek. för., (Sweden), ID code 702002-0116

Subsequent to the corporate arrangement HK Ruokatalo Group Oyj’s share
capital comprises a total of 39,306,193 shares (33,906,193 series A
Shares and 5,400,000 series K Shares), which convey a total of
141,906,193 votes (series A Shares each convey one vote, series K
Shares each convey 20 votes).

HK Ruokatalo Group Oyj

Kai Seikku

Helsinki Stock Exchange
