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At today’s Annual General Meeting of Höganäs AB the Meeting approved a dividend of SEK 5.75 per share with 28 April 2006 as date of record in accordance with the proposal of the Board.

The present Directors Alrik Danielson, Jenny Lindén Urnes, Per Molin, Bernt Magnusson, Magnus Lindstam and Agnete Raaschou-Nielsen were re-elected and Bengt Kjell, Öystein Krogen and Hans-Olov Olsson were elected as new Directors. Per Molin was elected Chairman of the Board.

Bengt Kjell is Vice President of Industrivärden with responsibility for investment activities. Tech. Dr. Öystein Krogen is in charge of the development of Electrical Motors within the Danaher Group. Hans-Olov Olsson is SVP & Chief Marketing Officer in Ford Motor Company.

The Meeting approved the proposal of the Board regarding the Directors’ fees to be SEK 2,050,000, with the Chairman of the Board receiving SEK 400,000 and other members elected by the Meeting but not employed by the group each receiving SEK 200,000, and the remaining SEK 250,000 payable as remuneration for committee activities, divided with SEK 50,000 each to the two external Board members in the company’s Currency Committee and with SEK 50,000 each to the three external Board members of the company’s Audit Committee.

The Meeting further approved the proposal of the Election Committee that the company shall have an Election Committee comprising one representative of each of the four largest shareholders in terms of votes and the Chairman of the Board, also convener.

Höganäs, 25 April 2006

The Board of Directors

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