Publication of Höganäs AB’s Annual Report 2010

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Höganäs AB’s Annual Report for the financial year 2010 is now available on the company’s website, A printed copy of the Annual Report will be sent to shareholders at request.

Höganäs, 8 April 2011


This is information that Höganäs AB (publ) may be obligated to make public according to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 11.00 am on 8 April 2011.


Höganäs AB is the world’s leading producer of iron and non-ferrous metal powders. The company has developed deep application competence based on a strong vision of powder’s possibilities to enhance efficiency and reduce resource consumption and environmental impact in a number of areas.

In cooperation with its customers, Höganäs can thus contribute in a wide range of applications such as the creation of future automotive components and white goods, and in water treatment and emission control. The company, which was established in 1797, reported net sales of MSEK 6,671 for 2010 and is listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm’s Mid Cap segment. For more information, visit our website