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At today’s Annual General Meeting of Höganäs AB, a dividend of SEK 10.00 per share with 7 May 2012 as record date was resolved in accordance with the proposal from the Board of Directors.

The present Directors Anders G Carlberg, Alrik Danielson, Peter Gossas, Urban Jansson, Bengt Kjell, Jenny Lindén Urnes, Björn Rosengren and Erik Urnes were re-elected. Anders G Carlberg was re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Höganäs AB.

In accordance with the proposal from the Election Committee, the Meeting resolved on Directors’ fees of SEK 2,350,000, with the Chairman of the Board receiving SEK 500,000 and other members elected by the Meeting but not employed by the group each receiving SEK 250,000, and the remaining SEK 350,000 payable as remuneration for committee work with SEK 50,000 each to three external Board members in the company’s Remuneration Committee and with SEK 100,000 to the chairman of the company’s Audit Committee and with SEK 50,000 each to two external Board members of the Audit Committee.

The Meeting re-elected the accounting firm KPMG AB, with authorised public accountant Helene Willberg as auditor in charge, for the period until the end of the Annual General Meeting 2013. It was also resolved that the auditors shall be remunerated on current account.

The Meeting approved the proposal from the Election Committee that the company shall have an Election Committee comprising of one representative of each of the four largest shareholders in terms of number of votes and the Chairman of the Board, being convener.

The principles for remuneration and other employment terms for senior executives were approved according to the proposal from the Board. The principles are based on the principles previously applied for remuneration to senior executives.

In accordance with the proposal from the Board, the Meeting resolved to authorize the Board to resolve on transfer of class B treasury shares to hedge against potential cash flow effects of social security costs and cash redemption under the employee stock option plans adopted by the Annual General Meetings in 2009.

At the subsequent statutory meeting of the Board it was resolved to appoint a Remuneration Committee with Anders G Carlberg, Bengt Kjell and Jenny Lindén Urnes as members and an Audit Committee with Anders G Carlberg, Bengt Kjell and Erik Urnes as members.

Höganäs, 2 May 2012


This is information that Höganäs AB (publ) may be obligated to make public according to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 17.00 pm on 2 May 2012.


Höganäs AB (publ) is the world’s leading producer of iron and metal powders. Building on its clear vision of the possibilities of powder to improve efficiency, the consumption of resources and environmental impact across a raft of segments, the company has developed in-depth application skills.

Thus Höganäs can help create the automotive components, white goods, water and exhaust treatment products of the future in collaboration with its customers. Founded in 1797, the company had sales of MSEK 7,081 in 2011, and is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm’s Mid Cap List.

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