Housing 21 Response to Social Care Expenditure Report

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Pushpa Raguvaran, Chief Executive of Housing 21 said: “We welcome the recommendations in today’s health select committee report. A joined up approach to services is something we wholeheartedly support.
“The recommendation of a single commissioning process and single outcomes framework is particularly welcome. Housing 21 provides care and support services to more than 31,000 older people and we have already seen the benefit of integrated services, such as the provision of our portable care scheme in Bristol where care continues from the home to the hospital.
“We very much hope that the government accepts these recommendations. The current fragmented system is badly letting older people down and integrating housing along with social care and health is the only way forward”

For further information, please contact Wendy Gornicki, PR & Information Officer, Housing 21 on 0370 192 4338 or email wendy.gornicki@housing21.co.uk

Housing 21’s mission is to promote independence and choice for older people through quality care, health and housing services. It provides around 131000 hours of care each week and manages 18,700 sheltered and extra care apartments, providing services to more than 31,000 service users.

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