Housing 21’s response to the Housing Strategy

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Pushpa Raguvaran, Chief Executive of Housing 21 said: “We welcome the Government’s housing strategy, “Laying the Foundations: A housing strategy for England” published today. Whilst there is much to be praised in the strategy, as a leading expert on housing and care for older people, Housing 21 is disappointed that more has not been done to address the specific needs of older people.

“Good housing can help older people remain independent for longer. The strategy could have gone further in terms of stimulating the building of retirement/supported housing. Whilst the strategy mentions the government’s commitment to encouraging local authorities to make provision for a wide range of housing types across all tenures, including specialised housing options such as sheltered and extra care, this will not happen unless the proposal is backed up with planning reform.

“The Draft National Planning Framework does not go far enough to address the housing needs of an ageing population. There is currently little land or development funding specifically earmarked for older people’s/supported housing but it is vital that more homes to support the ageing population are built across a range of tenures, including a sufficient proportion of ‘affordable’ homes.

“The strategy recognises that whilst some housing needs are universal across the life-course, some needs change as people age. However, ‘space’ is not only a concern for younger people and families as the strategy seems to indicate. Whilst older people may choose to downsize, they may also wish to have room to accommodate family or to have a home office. We hope that benefit reform does not undermine the affordability of homes with more than one bedroom.”

For further information, please contact Wendy Gornicki, PR & Information Officer, Housing 21 on 0370 192 4338 or email wendy.gornicki@housing21.co.uk

Housing 21’s mission is to promote independence and choice for older people through quality care, health and housing services. It provides around 131,000 hours of care each week and manages 18,200 sheltered and extra care apartments.

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