Housing 21 welcomes CSJ report on the ‘Age of Opportunity’

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Pushpa Raguvaran. Chief Executive of Housing 21 said: "Yesterday’s launch by the Centre for Social Justice of "

Age of Opportunity: Transforming the lives of older people living in poverty" is very welcome.

Older people in our society have a tremendous role to play and their contribution should be celebrated. However, too many older people suffer from loneliness, isolation and poverty and this is something that must be highlighted and urgently addressed.

"I agree with the CSJ working party in that tackling social isolation among older people by creating vibrant communities is the way forward. At Housing 21 we work hard to enable older people to enjoy the best quality of life they can. A fundamental part of this is social inclusion, whether through housing or care services. Our Live Active initiative has put our courts at the hearts of communities working with local people and organisations in a range of ways - from hosting mobile libraries and polling stations to working with homeless people.

"A key recommendation of the report, which we strongly support, is the need for much earlier financial planning. At Housing 21 we have been providing financial advice to our residents for many years and have helped them to claim over £5 million in benefits, over half of which was raised through Attendance Allowance which we know can be particularly transformational in giving people choice and control over their lives.

"We also know only too well of the financial hardship that some older people experience, all too often because they don’t know what they are entitled to or how to go about claiming. With an increasingly ageing population, along with cuts in pensions, this situation is unlikely to improve unless people consider their retirement options and income at a much earlier time. Likewise, the Government can and should do more to encourage benefit take up and ensure older people get the benefits they need."


For further information, please contact Wendy Gornicki, PR & Information Officer on 0370 192 4338, or email wendy.gornicki@housing21.co.uk

Housing 21’s mission is to promote independence and choice for older people through quality care, health and housing services. It provides around 124,000 hours of community care each week and manages 18,200 sheltered and extra care apartments.