Improved Outcomes for Patients with Portable Care

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A review of Housing 21’s Portable Care pilot in Bristol has highlighted the significant impact of providing support for vulnerable people whilst they are in hospital.

The study, conducted over a two month period, involves the transfer of care from the extra care housing setting to the hospital setting when a service user is admitted to hospital. A total of four residents who were admitted into hospital had their care package follow them.

The pilot saw key care workers supporting the residents through 17 formal care visits to the Southmead and Frenchay Hospital sites, providing just under 15 care hours in March and April of this year.

The case studies show that the key workers were able to provide ward staff with vital information around care needs, medication and family circumstances as well as ensuring that eating, drinking, toileting, pain and personal hygiene needs were being addressed.

Claire Keogh, research/project lead for Housing 21 said: "Although the project is still in the early stages it is proving to be a success. Even the smallest task, such as just being a friendly face, is having a positive impact on the residents."

In two separate studies the key worker was able to improve communication between the hospital staff and hard of hearing patients by advising staff that one was able to lip read and another could use a ‘chatter box’ communication aid. In another study the care worker was able to liaise with the hospital social worker and district nurses to solve a number of issues that meant that a patient facing the possibility of residential care was able to return to his own home with only minor changes to his care plan.

The trial has also shown a notable impact on the staff delivering the service, many of whom had never worked in a hospital environment before. They now have a greater understanding of how busy nursing staff are and what patients have to go through in terms of pain and treatment.

Phase 1 of the pilot is due to finish at the end of this year and phase 2 will start in the New Year. There will be a further evaluation at that time.

For further information, please contact Wendy Gornicki, PR & Information Officer, Housing 21 on 0370 192 4338 or email

Housing 21’s mission is to promote independence and choice for older people through quality care, health and housing services. It provides around 124,000 hours of community care each week and manages 18,200 sheltered and extra care apartments.

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