Badger Explorer ASA – Determination of Settlement Regarding Employee Share Option Program
Reference is made to the press release sent on 4 March 2011.
The settlement regarding all exercised shares has been determined based on a selling price of NOK 25.9834 per share.
Primary insider CFO Gunnar Dolven purchased 3,000 shares at a total price of NOK 77,950.2. This leaves Gunnar Dolven holding 16,667 unexercised share options in the Company at a strike price of NOK 10.00. As of today Mr. Dolven holds 8,000 shares privately as well as 301,872 shares through Dalvin Rådgivning AS totalling 309,872 shares in the Company.
Stavanger, 17 March 2011
For further information, please contact:
Kjell Erik Drevdal, CEO, cell phone +47 916 43 552, office +47 52 97 45 15
Gunnar Dolven, CFO, cell phone +47 908 53 168, office +47 52 97 45 40