(BXPL.OAX) Badger Explorer asa - 1Q2008 Presentation

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The investor presentation will take place in Oslo - 24.04.2008 and in Stavanger - 25.04.2008. The investor presentation of the Badger Explorer ASA 1Q 2008 financial report will take place as follows: Oslo 11:00 - 12.:30 on Thursday 24.04.2008 at Felix Konferansesenter, Bryggetorget 3, Oslo, light meal will be served. Stavanger 11:00 - 12:30 on Friday 25.04.2008 at Viking Konferansesenter, Investorlosjen (Viking Stadion) Jåttåvågveien 11A, Stavanger, light meal will be served. The presentations will be given by: CEO Kjell Erik Drevdal and CFO Gunnar Dolven For further information please contact CFO Gunnar dolven 90853168


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