Correction of the announcement sent out earlier today at 14.55 CET
This is a correction of the announcement sent out earlier today, 1 December 2010 at 14.55 CET.
Section Six of the Minutes – Nomination Committee:
Section six paragraph two of the minutes of meeting (Norwegian version) contained an error. It was minuted incorrectly that the Nomination Committee’s proposal regarding the election of a new member to the Company’s Board of Directors was presented to the General Meeting. The mistake has been corrected and the minutes state now that the Nomination Committee’s proposal regarding the election of a new member to the Nomination Committee was presented to the General Meeting.
Section Six of the Minutes – Composition of the Nomination Committee:
Section six paragraph four of the minutes of meeting (Norwegian version) contained an error. The composition of the Company’s Nomination Committee was minuted incorrectly. The mistake has been corrected and the minutes state now that Badger Explorer ASA’s Nomination Committee consists of Rolf E. Ahlqvist, Bjørge Gretland and Knut Åm.
Attached are the corrected minutes of meeting of Badger Explorer ASA’s Extraordinary General Meeting held on 1 December 2010.