Hywel Dda’s Suspected Cancer Health Optimisation and Prehabilitation Project | Prosiect Rhagsefydlu ac Optimeiddio Iechyd Lle'r Amheuir Canser Hywel Dda

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12 December 2022

Mae tîm canser Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda wedi derbyn cyllid gan Rwydwaith Canser Cymru a chronfa Arloesi Comisiwn Bevan ar gyfer Prosiect Rhagsefydlu ac Optimeiddio Iechyd Lle'r Amheuir Canser Hywel Dda.

Fel rhan o’r prosiect, mae’r tîm gwasanaethau canser yn awyddus i gynnal adolygiad i glywed gan bobl sydd wedi profi atgyfeiriad yn ddiweddar i ddiystyru neu gadarnhau diagnosis canser.

Bydd yr adolygiad yn canolbwyntio ar wybodaeth benodol am faeth, ymarfer corff, lles yn ogystal ag ysmygu ac alcohol ar adeg pan fo unigolion yn cael eu hymchwilio am amheuaeth o ganser a bydd yn helpu'r tîm i wella'r wybodaeth y maent yn ei darparu.

Hoffai’r tîm canser ddeall y wybodaeth y mae unigolion wedi’i derbyn, neu y byddent wedi hoffi ei chael, mewn perthynas â’u hiechyd a’u lles.

Mae'r tîm yn galw ar unigolion sydd wedi cael atgyfeiriad i ddiystyru neu gadarnhau diagnosis canser, sy'n fodlon rhannu eu profiad fel claf trwy lenwi holiadur mynediad at wybodaeth iechyd a lles ar-lein. Dim ond tua 10 munud y dylai’r holiadur ei gymryd i’w gwblhau, a bydd eich barn yn cael ei defnyddio i gynllunio gwybodaeth a ddarperir i bobl yn y dyfodol.

Bydd yr adolygiad hwn hefyd yn rhoi cyfle i unigolion gymryd rhan mewn grŵp ffocws profiad cleifion. Bydd y grŵp ffocws yn grŵp ar-lein a bydd yn cynnwys 6-8 o gyfranogwyr. Mae cymryd rhan yn yr adolygiad hwn yn ddewisol ac nid oes rhaid i chi gymryd rhan.

Os byddwch yn dewis cymryd rhan yn y grŵp ffocws, bydd aelod o’r tîm Cyn-sefydlu yn cysylltu â chi i gadarnhau’r dyddiad a’r amser. Bydd cerdyn rhodd gwerth £20 yn cael ei ddarparu i bawb sy’n cymryd rhan yn y grŵp ffocws profiad claf i ddiolch i chi am eich amser a’ch cyfraniad.

Dywedodd yr Athro Tom Crosby, Cyfarwyddwr Clinigol Gwasanaethau Canser yng Nghymru: “Mae gan y prosiect hwn y potensial i wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i ganlyniadau cleifion canser yng Nghymru. Mae cynnwys cleifion yn y gwaith o gynhyrchu’r deunyddiau drwy ofyn pa wybodaeth sy’n bwysig iddynt yn gwneud y prosiect hwn yn unigryw a bydd yn sicr yn helpu i lunio’r Fframwaith Rhagsefydlu Cenedlaethol.”

Os hoffech gymryd rhan yn y grŵp ffocws , neu os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau yr hoffech eu gofyn cyn penderfynu a ydych am gymryd rhan ai peidio, cysylltwch â ni drwy e-bost ar:prehabilitation.HDD@wales.nhs.uk


The cancer team at Hywel Dda University Health Board have been awarded funding from Wales Cancer Network and Bevan Commission Innovation fund for a Suspected Cancer Health Optimisation and Prehabilitation Project.

As part of the project, the cancer services team are keen to carry out a review to hear from people who have recently experienced a referral to rule out or confirm a cancer diagnosis.

The review will focus on information specifically about nutrition, exercise, wellbeing as well as smoking and alcohol at a time when individuals are being investigated for a suspected cancer and will help the team improve what information they provide.

The cancer team would like to understand the information individuals received, or would have liked to have received, in relation to their health and wellbeing.

The team are calling on individuals who have experienced a referral to rule out or confirm a cancer diagnosis, that are willing to share their patient experience by filling in an online access to health and wellbeing information questionnaire. The questionnaire should only take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and your views will be used to plan future information provided to people. 

This review will also give the opportunity for willing individuals take part in a patient experience focus group. The focus group will be an online group and will include 6-8 participants. Participation in this review is optional and you do not have to take part.  

If you choose to take part in the focus group, a member of the Prehabilitation team will contact you to confirm the date and time. A gift card with a value of £20 will be provided to all participants of the patient experience focus group as a thank you for your time and contribution.

Prof Tom Crosby, Clinical Director of Cancer Services in Wales said: “This project has the potential to make a huge difference to outcomes of cancer patients in Wales. Involving patients in producing the materials by asking what information is important to them makes this project unique and will certainly help to shape the National Prehabilitation Framework.”

If you would like to participate in the focus group , or if you have any questions that you would like to ask before you decide whether or not to take part, please contact us by E-mail on: prehabilitation.HDD@wales.nhs.uk

Alexandra Williams-Fry
Uwch Swyddog Cyfathrebu | Senior Communications Officer
Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda | Hywel Dda University Health Board
