Nocom obtains 90.7 percent of the capital and 88.3 percent of the votes in TurnIT

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The conditions were removed from the offer March 10 and is extended until June 1, 2005 Shareholders representing 576,018 shares of A series and 150,996,549 shares of B series in TurnIT AB (publ), corresponding approximately to 94.9 percent of capital and approximately 88.8 percent of the votes before dilution, have by the end of the extended application period April 1, 2005 accepted Nocom’s offer. During the same period, holders of warrants issued by TurnIT representing 768,024 warrants of A or B Series 2004/2005 and 171,182.269 warrants of B series 2004/2005, corresponding to approximately 87.3 percent of the total number of outstanding warrants, had accepted Nocom’s offer. In total, this provides, after full dilution an acceptance rate of Nocom’s offer of approximately 90.7 percent of the capital and 88.3 percent of the votes in TurnIT. Nocom’s Board of Directors decided on March 10, 2005 to finalize the offer. With this IAR Systems no longer meets the relevant listing requirements of the Stockholm Stock Exchange concerning diversity of ownership. Due to this, the Stockholm Stock Exchange placed the trading of the shares in IAR Systems on the O List, under observation, on March 16, 2005. In order to make acceptance of the offer possible for the remaining shareholders in IAR Systems, the acceptance period has been extended up to 3 p.m. Wednesday, June 1, 2005. Notice of the payment to those who accepted Nocom’s offer during the extension period is expected to begin on or about June 7, 2005. For more information, please contact: Stefan Skarin CEO, Nocom cell: +46 708 65 10 05 e-mail: A prospectus, informational brochures and application forms can be obtained free of charge from Kaupthing Bank, telephone 020-45 64 40, or from Nocom, telephone 018-65 55 00.
