AxFlow implements IBS´ enterprise software in 17 countries

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IBS has signed an agreement today with AxFlow regarding installation and hosting of IBS´supply chain focused ERP-solution to be used in 17 countries in Europe. The agreement covers software, professional services, hardware and hosting to a total value of EUR 1.2 million.

The AxFlow Group is the largest distributor of positive displacement pumps and related products and services in Europe. The Group is active in 17 countries with sales and services of displacement equipment. During 2002, IBS signed an agreement with Axflow regulating the terms and conditions for implementation of IBS software throughout the Group. The first step in the cooperation was a pre-study and implementation in five countries during 2003 and 2004. The additional agreement announced today covers implementation of IBS software in 12 additional countries in Europe. IBS will deliver a total solution for supply chain management covering financial, distribution and manufacturing systems. The new solution will go live step by step during 2005 and all installations will be completed during the year. ”We are looking forward to implementing the total solution from IBS covering the entire Group, as we are confident of a rapid and appreciable return on our investment. Outsourcing the system operation will also enable us to concentrate on our business objectives,” says Ole Weiner, CFO of the AxFlow Group. ”More and more customers need to implement a common software solution in their subsidiaries across a number of countries. We can offer cross-border implementations in 20 countries using our own skilled and experienced consultants, which is a great competitive advantage. Our specialisation in selected industries, such as machinery and equipment, also means that we have a good understanding of the challenges that AxFlow is facing,” says Lars Falke, Vice President of IBS Sweden. For more information contact: Lars Falke, Vice President, IBS Sweden Telephone:: +46 8 627 24 02 Mobile: +46 70 811 25 12 John Womack, Director Corporate Communications, IBS AB Telephone:: +46 8 627 24 99 Mobile: +46 678 24 99 Ole Weiner, CFO of the AxFlow Group Telephone: +46 8 453 77 36 Mobile: +46 733 900 972

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