IBS' Year-end Report for 2003

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Year-end Report for the full-year 2003 · IBS reports a profit in accordance with the forecast · The company has strengthened its market position during the year · IBS forecasts better market conditions and an improved result after financial items for the full-year 2004 Full-year 2003 · Net profit for the full-year 2003 amounted to SEK 43m (-196m). · Net profit per share amounted to SEK 0.54 (-2.46). · The profit after financial items amounted to SEK 18m (-199m). · Total full-year revenue amounted to SEK 2 401m (2 517m). October-December 2003 · Net profit for the fourth quarter amounted to 98m (30m). · Net profit per share amounted to SEK 1.23 (0.37). · The profit after financial items amounted to SEK 78m (28m). · Total revenue for the period amounted to SEK 729m (735m). Information plan · The Interim Report for the period January-March will be published on 29 April 2004. · The Annual General Meeting will be held on 5 May 2004. The report from the AGM will be published on 6 May 2004. · The Interim Report for the period January-June will be published on 16 July 2004. · The Interim Report for the period January-September will be published on 27 October 2004. · The Year-end Report for the full-year 2004 will be published on 10 February 2005. Solna, 29 January 2004 Magnus Wastenson CEO IBS AB Reg number 556198-7289 P O Box 1350 Hemvärnsgatan 8 SE 171 26 Solna Sweden Tel. +46 8 627 23 00 This report has not been audited. Any queries in connection with this report will be answered by CEO Magnus Wastenson tel. +46 (0)70 627 2515, magnus.wastenson@ibs.net or CFO Per-Arne Sendrén, tel. +46 (0)70 627 2360, per-arne.sendren@ibs.net or Director Corporate Communications John Womack tel. +46 (0)70 678 24 99 john.womack@ibs.net ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/01/29/20040129BIT00620/wkr0001.doc The full report http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/01/29/20040129BIT00620/wkr0002.pdf The full report