IBS strengthens its Swedish market organisation

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IBS strengthens its Swedish market organisation Kjell Nilson has been appointed Area Manager and new MD for IBS' Swedish subsidiary IBS Sverige AB. Kjell Nilson joined IBS after holding the post of Vice President of Mandator, a Swedish listed software and services provider, where he had been since 1996. He has in the past worked at IBS and has held various positions, including that of Area Manager for IBS' Central European operations, and Regional Manager and MD for IBS Gothenburg and IBS Konsult. The management team for IBS Sverige has also been strengthened by the recruitment of two new sales managers: Mikael Ollevik, who was recruited from IBM's software operations, is responsible for sales to new customers, and Lars Falke, who comes from Mandator, is responsible for sales to existing customers. "Swedish executives are at the cutting edge when it comes to using IT to increase the efficiency of and integrate and develop different business activities. IBS has developed a new concept that enables us, in cooperation with our customers, to identify areas where the potential for positive results from IT-investments are the highest. We can also help our customers to follow up and measure critical success factors and return on investment on IT-projects", says Kjell Nilson, Area Manager and MD for IBS Sverige. For further information, please contact: Magnus Wastenson, CEO and Kjell Nilson, Area Manager and MD President, IBS AB for IBS Sverige AB Tel. +46 (0)8 627 2515 Tel. +46 (0)8 627 2300 Mobile: +46 (0)70 627 2515 Mobile: +46 (0)705 625 400 magnus.wastenson@ibs.net kjell.nilson@ibs.net IBS AB, (XSSE: IBS B) International Business Systems, is a leading provider of business software for supply chain management, business intelligence, financial control, and demand-driven manufacturing. IBS' primary focus is mid-sized and large wholesale distributors as well as sales and manufacturing companies in international groups, especially in pharmaceuticals, electrical and electronic parts and equipment, automotive parts and supplies, machinery, industrial supplies food & beverage and consumer durables. For more information about IBS, visit www.ibs.net. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/04/07/20040407BIT00390/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/04/07/20040407BIT00390/wkr0002.pdf