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  • Italian pharmaceutical distributor, Farmacie Comunali Riunite of Reggio Emilia, has switched to IBS Enterprise for all of its core business applicatio

Italian pharmaceutical distributor, Farmacie Comunali Riunite of Reggio Emilia, has switched to IBS Enterprise for all of its core business applicatio

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​International Business Systems (STO: IBS B), the leading application supplier for wholesale and distribution, announced today that Italian pharmaceutical distributor, Farmacie Comunali Riunite of Reggio Emilia, has switched to IBS Enterprise for all of its core business applications.

Milan, Italy, May 27 2010 – Farmacie Comunali Riunite was founded in 1903, and has grown to become one of the leading pharmaceutical wholesale distributors in Italy, with twenty four of their own pharmacies across the country, a turnover of approximately 180 million Euro, two distribution centers, and thirty thousand products to stock. Some three years ago the company began to look for a totally integrated software application suite that would deliver not only greater flexibility but easier business management in this dramatically changing sector, and ultimately allowing them to better serve their customers.

The choice for Farmacie Comunali Riunite was IBS Enterprise for Pharma. Since the go-live in November 2009, the company has been using IBS Enterprise to manage its various business activities, from their own pharmacies, to private pharmacies, the wholesale distribution of products across Italy, to private hospitals and wholesale’s distribution points of sales.

“Besides being a state-of-the art solution at the forefront of the market, and specifically dedicated to pharmaceutical distribution, we were looking for a reliable business partner that could support us in a strategic turnaround,” affirms Dr. Campari, General Manager of Farmacie Comunali Riunite. “IBS Enterprise for Pharma’s core functionality along with IBS experience on both national and international projects, were the best guarantees in terms of the goals we needed to reach within this project. We had a very good go-live, without any problems or delays. Within one single night, we migrated from the “old system” to the new one IBS platform, at the same time changing some of our processes such as order processing, without losing a single day of business or causing any problems to our Customers”.

Following the move to IBS, Farmacie Comunali Riunite now provides additional services to its customers across Italy, uses modern RF warehouse picking systems, and has streamlined its buying processes. In addition, it now takes full advantage of new financial management and business intelligence functionality known as IBS Distribution Financials, and IBS Distribution Intelligence respectively.

“We are very proud of the work we have been doing for Farmacie Comunali Riunite, and of their satisfaction levels,” said Andy Bailey, IBS Chief Marketing Officer. “We have already shared new development projects with them to help them take even more advantage of IBS capabilities, and look forward to an ongoing and ever more fruitful partnership. IBS has been investing development resources in the pharmaceutical distribution sector for some years now, and this valued customer is yet another endorsement of that strategy.”

For more information, please contact:

Oskar Ahlberg
Senior Vice President of Communications

+46-70-244 24 75

IBS in brief
With over 30 years of experience, IBS is a leading provider of distribution management solutions. IBS focuses on industries such as automotive, electrical components, paper & packaging and pharmaceutical distribution. More than 4,000 customers across some 40 countries use IBS software to gain fast and measurable returns on IT investments.

IBS B share is listed on NASDAQ OMX First North Exchange Stockholm. For more information, please visit

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