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  • Correction: New English version. ICA sells real estate properties to EPGF

Correction: New English version. ICA sells real estate properties to EPGF

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Correction: New English version. The correct sales amount is SEK 199 million, see below.

ICA sells real estate properties to EPGF Stockholm 28 November, 2007

ICA Fastigheter Sverige AB has sold two real estate properties to Standard Life Investments European Property Growth Fund (EPGF) for SEK 199 million.

EPGF, a fund that is managed by Standard Life Investments, will take over the properties after they are completed, during the summer of 2008. The real estate properties are located in Falun and in Kungsbacka.

"We are disposing these real estate properties to be able to free capital to invest in new stores and hypermarkets", says Bo Liffner, CEO ICA Fastigheter AB.

The deal will affect ICAs operating result positively by approximately SEK 60 million no later than the third quarter 2008.

For further information, please contact: ICA press hotline, phone +46 70 253 66 60

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About ICA The ICA Group (ICA AB) is one of the Nordic regions leading retail companies, with around 2,250 of its own and retailer-owned stores in Sweden, Norway and in the Baltic States. The Group includes the sales companies ICA Sverige, ICA Norge and Rimi Baltic. ICA also offers financial services to Swedish customers through ICA Banken. ICA AB is a joint venture 40% owned by Hakon Invest AB and 60% by Royal Ahold N.V. of the Netherlands. According to a shareholder agreement, Royal Ahold and Hakon Invest jointly share controlling influence over ICA AB. Through Royal Ahold, ICA AB is part of an international retail network. For more information, please visit http://www.ica.se
