Idogen recruits Chief Medical Officer
Idogen AB (”Idogen”) announces that it has recruited Dr. Steven Glazer to the position of Chief Medical Officer (CMO) commencing the 1st of April. This appointment means a significant strengthening of the organization for future clinical studies, initially in hemophilia A. Steven Glazer’s most recent role was as CMO at Hansa Medical AB, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
Steven Glazer has an extensive experience from senior positions in clinical drug development. His previous assignments include Senior Vice President of Development at BioInvent AB, Vice President of Development at Zealand Pharma and Medical Director at Novo Nordisk. He has extensive industrial experience in several therapeutic areas important for Idogen, including hemophilia, hematology, transplantation and diabetes. Steven has a doctorate in medicine from the University of Copenhagen and is trained in internal medicine.
“I look forward to working with Idogen and hemophilia again – a patient group I’ve worked a lot with. Idogen has an interesting technology which can change the current treatment modality of medically very vulnerable patients and I think my previous experiences will be useful.” Steven Glazer commented.
”The recruitment of Steven Glazer as Chief Medical Officer means a considerable strengthening of Idogen’s competence and is very much in line with the aim for the upcoming clinical trials. Steven’s extensive experience in the development of new treatments in hemophilia will be a great asset for us”. CEO Lars Hedbys commented.
For additional information about Idogen, please contact:
Lars Hedbys, CEO
Tel: +46 (0)46-275 63 30
This is an English version of an original Swedish press release communicated by Idogen AB. In case of interpretation issues or possible differences between the different versions, the Swedish version shall apply. This constitutes information that Idogen AB is required to publish under the EU’s Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the above contact person on the 31st of March 2017.
Idogen develops tolerogenic vaccines which re-program the immune system. The term "tolerogenic" refers to that the immune system will tolerate the selected molecule after treatment. It represents a new treatment method for autoimmune diseases, organ rejection after transplantation and patients without treatment after developing antibodies against standard treatment. The first indication for the therapy will be patients with the bleeding disorder hemophilia A who have developed an immunological reaction against their necessary factor VIII replacement.
The treatment method comprises cells from the patient's blood being reprogrammed to dendritic cells with the capacity to specifically counteract the adverse immune reaction. The company's technology platform has the potential to develop long-acting treatment of anti-drug antibodies as well as autoimmune diseases that currently cannot be cured. In addition, Idogen has the potential to change the transplantation market by reducing the need for immunosuppressive therapy after transplantation. Idogen was founded in 2008 based on a fundamental immunological discovery at Lund University. For more information, visit