Summary from Annual General Meeting 2008 in IGE Nordic AB (publ)

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On May 5, 2008 the shareholders in IGE Nordic AB (publ) held the Annual General Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden. Below please find a summary of the resolutions that were adopted during this Annual General Meeting.

Annual report
The income statement and balance sheet was adopted for the company.

Discharge from liability
The Annual General Meeting discharged the members of board of directors and the CEO from liability for the fiscal year 2007.

Remuneration for the Members of the Board
The decision was taken that all Members of the Board of Directors that are not employed by the company or the parent company International Gold Exploration IGE AB (publ) should receive a fee of SEK 200.000 per person, i.e. total amount SEK 600.000:-.

Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting reelected the present Board Members, i.e. Tomas Fellbom, Chairman, Curt Järnfeldt, Lars Olof Nilsson and Erling Stensholt.

Nomination Committee
The Annual General Meeting resolved that a Nomination Committee be appointed consisting of the Chairman of the Board and a representative for the second and third largest shareholders at the end of the third quarter 2008. The names of the members of the committee should be published by the company not later than six (6) months before the AGM in 2009.

Guidelines for the remuneration of senior management
The AGM adopted the guidelines as presented by the Board of Directors for the remuneration of the senior management.

Resolution to authorize the Board to resolve on a new share issue
The AGM adopted the resolution to authorize the Board to resolve on new share issues of up to 2,600,000 shares on one or several occasions during the year up until the next annual general meeting.

Stockholm May 6, 2008

IGE Nordic AB (publ)

Fredric Bratt
CEO, IGE Nordic AB (publ)
Phone: +46 8 20 46 09 / Mobile: +46 762 35 32 60

IGE Nordic AB (publ) is a locally based and staffed company focused on gold, nickel, copper and zinc with an existing, large and diversified portfolio of exploration projects in Sweden and Norway.

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