Imagine America Foundation’s Adult Excellence Award Offers Funds to Underserved Non-Traditional Students

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Washington, D.C. (Sept. 06, 2011) – Older students are already faced with daunting challenges in attaining a higher education, and yet they also have to address another harsh reality when it comes to financial aid: not many scholarships are available to them. The Imagine America Foundation, though, has introduced a new scholarship to benefit non-traditional students attending career colleges or “for-profit” schools.

The Foundation has developed the Adult Excellence Award to provide needed financial assistance to students who are attending participating Imagine America institutions through its Adult Skills Education Program (ASEP). Each scholarship provides $500 cash grants toward the student’s tuition balance.

The Adult Excellence Awards are funded through contributions made by our sponsor MaxKnowledge and contributors to the 21st Century Workforce Fund.  

“This was a natural continuation to follow the impressive growth of our ASEP program,” said Robert L. Martin, President of the Imagine America Foundation. “A very large percentage of students attending career colleges are 25 year or older. In this economy, many of these not-traditional students are seeking an education or want to improve their current skills. Sometimes they need a financial bump to make the leap back into the classroom.”

Colleges can nominate up to five applicants per campus. Since the Adult Excellence Award is a competitive program, not all applicants receive the award.

The Imagine America Foundation created the Adult Excellence Award to assist students who are attending participating Imagine America institutions through the Imagine America Adult Skills Education Program (ASEP). The Adult Excellence Award is essentially a continuation of the Foundation’s ASEP program.

The Foundation’s ASEP program was launched in 2009 to provide tuition assistance and college scholarships for adult students enrolling at career colleges. Through that program, students can receive a $1,000 tuition grant to attend an Imagine America participating ASEP school of their choice.

All adult students must complete a student assessment provided by the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT). NCCT researchers have identified characteristics of successful non-traditional students and used those characteristics to design this cutting-edge assessment. Once the application is completed, all information will be forwarded to the corresponding career college for review.

Contact: Robert L. Martin, President, Imagine America Foundation
Phone: (202) 336-6758

About the Imagine America Foundation
The Imagine America Foundation (IAF), established in 1982, is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing scholarships for education, research and training support for the career college sector. Since its inception, the Foundation has provided over $50 million in scholarship and award support for graduating high school seniors, adult learners and U.S. military personnel attending career colleges nationwide through its award-winning Imagine America® programs. The Foundation also publishes vital research publications for the higher education sector, honors achievement in career education and offers faculty development training. For more information about the Imagine America Foundation’s programs, please visit
