Imagine America Foundation’s Website Redesign Eases the Scholarship Application Process for Career College Students

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Washington, D.C. (May 20, 2011) – Searching online for scholarship money and other financial assistance for college is a time-consuming process. Whether you’re an individual student, parent or a high school guidance counselor, an ideal website would likely be one that placed scholarship information and application up front – on its home page – so it can be found without the monotonous search time.

The Imagine America Foundation has completed a redesign of its organizational website, making the scholarship application process easier for students. The newly redesigned website features links to the Foundation’s scholarship programs and application forms on the homepage. Students who want to apply to the Foundation’s three scholarship programs can do so directly through the website by selecting from three scholarship and award categories: the High School Program, the Military Award Program (MAP) program, and the Adult Skills Education Program (ASEP.) Users can even return to check the status of their scholarship application, which is another feature available without clicking beyond the home page.

“Given the significant growth of our scholarship and award programs, we wanted to make our website more convenient for students,” said Robert L. Martin, President of the Imagine America Foundation. “Assisting students is the Foundation’s number one mission. We felt that warranted them some prominence on our website.”

In addition to highlighting its scholarship programs, the entire website has been reorganized so information can be more easily accessed. The website features an area specifically for high school guidance counselors and career college educators who want to learn more about the Foundation and sign up their schools to participate. The Foundation’s research work and related publications involving the value of career education is also available in the “Career College Research/Publications” section. Beneath “21st Century Workforce Fund,” there is information about the Foundation’s role in supporting career education, its important and valued supporters, along with a contribution form for supporting the Foundation.

The Foundation has concentrated on developing a strong online presence in the last year, which has contributed to its substantial organizational growth. Last year, the Imagine American Scholarship and Award Programs set a record for the most applications it has received since inception. The ASEP program alone experienced a 35 percent growth in applications received in its first year of existence. Some of the many thousands of success stories are now available in video or text format through the website.

For more information about online scholarship opportunities or other Foundation projects, contact Robert L. Martin, President of the Imagine America Foundation, at (202) 336-6758,, or visit

About the Imagine America Foundation
The Imagine America Foundation (IAF), established in 1982, is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing scholarships for education, research and training support for the career college sector. Since its inception, the Foundation has provided over $50 million in scholarship and award support for graduating high school seniors, adult learners and U.S. military personnel attending career colleges nationwide through its award-winning Imagine America® programs. The Foundation also publishes vital research publications for the higher education sector, honors achievement in career education and offers faculty development training. For more information about the Imagine America Foundation’s programs, please visit