Israeli toys manufacturer BeeZeeBee awards international scholarship for toy design to Saxony-Anhalt

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The Israeli toys manufacturer BeeZeeBee has awarded Lena Mühl, a student in the Design of Playing and Learning department at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle, Saale, with a scholarship from the American "Women in Toys" association. Mali Baum, co-founder of the start-up company which hails from Tel Aviv, visited Halle especially for the presentation. The awarding of the scholarship to Saxony-Anhalt is also an expression of the efforts of the company in further developing its business contacts with Germany and Saxony-Anhalt in particular, as Mali Baum explained on the occasion of the presentation. On a tour of the only university for art and design in Saxony-Anhalt, she also gained an overview of the education of creative young people that is on offer there.

Student Lena Mühl received her positive message unexpectedly electronically: the Israeli company BeeZeeBee informed her by email that she was one of this year's winners of the scholarship programme which is offered all over the world by the "Women in Toys" association (WIT), based in New York. Included with it: a welcome windfall in total of 2,500 US Dollars as well as an annual membership which intends to provide potential contacts with young designers in the international toys industry: after all, WIT is nothing other than an association of women from all over the world who have made it their task to support talented young women in the sector. It is already the third year BeeZeeBee is awarding scholarships to young future designers.

Lena was put forward by Karin Schmidt-Ruhland, who is Professor for Design of Playing and Learning at the University of Art and Design. The contact between the Israeli company BeeZeeBee, whose head office is now in Berlin, and the university, came about in the scope of the foreign acquisition efforts of the Investment and Marketing Corporation Saxony-Anhalt (IMG).

Mail Baum sees the awarding of the scholarship to the student at the University of Art and Design in Halle as being the start of a long term collaboration between her company and companies in Germany, as well as universities which provided courses in the field of playing design. "We want to find partners in Germany who know the local conditions better than we do and we would like to work together with German companies and universities," explains Mali, who isn't only managing director of BeeZeeBee, but is also on the executive board of "Women in Toys". "We also very much want to strengthen our relationships in Saxony-Anhalt," she explains.

Lena was awarded her prize for her excellent achievements in her course so far. Lena, who is 22 years old and originates from Bayreuth in the Franconia region of Bavaria, has now been studying in Halle for two years. Her course in Playing and Learning Design is unique in its form in Germany. The course aims to help the designers of the future to develop varied ideas for lively playing and learning and to realise them at the practical level. "I really like the course because it is so people-oriented," explains Lena, who developed her interest for art when she was very young.

It is the combination of sustainability and multi-functionality which she has shown in her previous work which ultimately led to Lena winning the scholarship. "We were very impressed by her innovative ideas and projects which we also view as being both valuable and an investment in the future," explains Mali, director of the creative Israeli start-up company BeeZeeBee.

Mali is certain that Lena – whom she officially presented with the scholarship in her presence in Halle – has a very bright future. Moreover, Mali believes that it is students like Lena who are urgently needed to work on the projects of the future in the toys industry. "We choose the students who have shown that they are capable of being innovative."

About BeeZeeBee:
BeeZeeBee is a developmental toys specialist which creates new experiences for bath time with new toys and functional items for bath and outdoor adventures for everyday use. It’s products encourage interaction between parent and child. The company was founded at 2010 by Mali Baum (CEO) and Michael Baum (Head of Design) and is headquartered in Berlin. BeeZeeBee is looking for local collaboration with German companies and is working currently on launching the BeeZeeBee creative product line in German and EU markets.

Company Contact:
BeeZeeBee Ltd
Mali Baum (CEO)


Investment and Marketing Corporation Saxony-Anhalt
The economic development agency of the German federal state of Saxony-Anhalt
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