State Parliament President Detlef Gürth opens the Saxony-Anhalt State Days at the EXPO Milano 2015

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Business, research and tourism focus of talks

Business, research and tourism focus of talks

Gürth: “Saxony-Anhalt’s participation in the exhibition of the German Pavilion showcases the state’s ability as a worldwide innovation centre.”

Magdeburg/Milan. With a dynamic cultural programme, Detlef Gürth, President of the State Parliament of Saxony-Anhalt, opened the state days of the federal state at the Expo Milano 2015 in a festive ceremony. With a rousing performance by the Youth Jazz Orchestra and a joint Drum Circle in which the big band made music together with countless Expo visitors, Saxony-Anhalt has brought the motto of the German Pavilion “Be active” to life and presented itself as a traditional yet modern and fresh music and cultural state. In his opening speech, Detlef Gürth highlighted, “Saxony-Anhalt follows in the footsteps of its great cultural past and is building bridges to the future. In the middle of Germany you can travel through European history and culture – it is not without good reason that Saxony-Anhalt is also the federal state with the most UNESCO world cultural heritage sites. The Reformation Jubilee in 2017 and the Bauhaus Jubilee 2019 are hereby two good further reasons for foreign tourists to visit Saxony Anhalt.”

The programme with which Saxony-Anhalt is presenting itself at the state days is, therefore, modern and full of energy. The Saxony-Anhalt Youth Jazz Orchestra is just one of the “musical ambassadors” of the state which has travelled to Milan. They bring with them pieces which give the band its distinctive character and which show inspiration, creativity as well as the tradition of Saxony-Anhalt as a state of music. They cover the broad sound of America’s West coast, the dynamic of Afro-America as well as arrangements from the cultural state of Saxony-Anhalt, from Händel to Luther’s folk songs, with a jazz inspired twist.

The State Parliament President was welcomed at the Expo Milano 2015 by Peter Dettmar, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Milan, as well as Dr Raffaele Cattaneo, President of the Regional Council of Lombardy. Detlef Gürth also held talks with Italian business representatives. Business relations between Saxony-Anhalt and Italy are traditionally close and 26 Italian companies now have branches in Saxony-Anhalt. The funded Italian businesses alone have invested more than 650 million euros since 1991. “Italian investors such as Radici Chimica in Elsteraue, Manuli Strech in Schkopau, ALMECO GmbH in Bernburg and RULMECA in Ascherleben appreciate the advantages of the location: the easy access to the growth markets, optimum conditions for procurement and sales in Germany and Europe, calculable framework conditions and our high technological standards,” emphasised Detlef Gürth at the opening. In this respect, Saxony-Anhalt’s participation in the thematic exhibition of the German Pavilion
showcases the state’s ability as a worldwide innovation centre. The Gene Bank of IPK Gatersleben and the cultivated plant research of the Julius-Kühn Institute, for example, offer long term solutions in plant research which contribute to solving the food supply problems of the future.

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Investment and Marketing Corporation Saxony-Anhalt
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Tanja Ruedinger
Project Manager International Press & PR
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Investment and Marketing Corporation Saxony-Anhalt (IMG)

IMG is the economic development agency of the German federal state Saxony-Anhalt. IMG staff provides all services related to new business sites. In addition, we are marketing Saxony-Anhalt both nationally and internationally and developing tourism concepts.
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“Saxony-Anhalt’s participation in the exhibition of the German Pavilion showcases the state’s ability as a worldwide innovation centre.”
State Parliament President Detlef Gürth