Immunovia—report from AGM

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The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Immunovia AB (publ), corporate identity number 556730-4299 was held at Gamla Gästmatsalen in Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 2, Lund, Sweden on 3 May 2018. A summary of the Meeting’s resolutions follows:

Appropriation of the company’s profit and loss
The Meeting resolved that the funds at its disposal of SEK 219,047,067 should be carried forward.

Directors’ and audit fees
The Meeting resolved that Board members should be compensated with SEK 150,000 for Directors and SEK 400,000 for the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee were compensated with SEK 40,000 each, and other members of these Committees were compensated with SEK 20,000 each. Travel expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the company’s policy. The Meeting also resolved that the auditors should be paid according to approved account.

Election of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board and auditors
The Meeting resolved to re-elect the Directors Carl Borrebaeck, Åsa Hedin, Ann-Christine Sundell and Hans Johansson, and to elect Mimmi Ekberg and Christofer Sjögren as Directors, and to elect Carl Borrebaeck as Chairman of the Board. The Meeting elected Mazars SET Revisionsbyrå as the company’s auditor, with Mats-Åke Andersson as Auditor in Charge.

Guidelines for remunerating senior executives
The Meeting resolved to adopt guidelines for remunerating senior executives based on a proposal that the Board produced after recommendation from the Remuneration Committee.

Resolution on principles for the Nomination Committee
The Meeting resolved on updated principles for the Nomination Committee.

Resolution to authorise the Board to take decisions on new share issues
The Meeting resolved to authorise the Board to decide on the new issue of an aggregate maximum number of shares that would mean a maximum increase of the share capital of twenty (20) per cent based on the aggregate share capital of the company at the time of the AGM 2018, in accordance with, or departing from, shareholders’ preferential rights, and with or without a decision on contribution in kind.

Resolution on incentive programme for key individuals
The Meeting approved the issue of a maximum of 226,000 share warrants to key individuals of the company, waiving shareholders’ preferential rights, and authorised the Board to introduce an alternative cash-based incentive programme for key individuals in countries where granting of share warrants is not appropriate.

Resolution on amendments of the Articles of Association

The Meeting resolved to make minor adjustments and updates to the Articles of Association’s stipulations, mainly on the number of shares and share capital, and on notices convening shareholders’ meetings.

All resolutions were unanimous.

Immunovia AB (publ)

The Board of Directors

Questions should be addressed to:

Mats Grahn, CEO


About Immunovia
Immunovia AB was founded in 2007 by investigators from the Department of Immunotechnology at Lund University and CREATE Health, the Center for Translational Cancer Research in Lund, Sweden. Immunovia’s strategy is to decipher the wealth of information in blood and translate it into clinically useful tools to diagnose complex diseases such as cancer, earlier and more accurately than previously possible. Immunovia´s core technology platform, IMMray™, is based on antibody biomarker microarray analysis. The company is now performing clinical validation studies for the commercialization of IMMray™ PanCan-d that could be the first blood based test for early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. In the beginning of 2016, the company started a program focused on autoimmune diseases diagnosis, prognosis and therapy monitoring. The first test from this program, IMMray™ SLE-d, is a biomarker signature derived for differential diagnosis of lupus, now undergoing evaluation and validation. (Source:

Immunovia’s shares (IMMNOV) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please visit



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