- Net sales amounted to SEK 2 648 thousand (2 783)
- Operating profit amounted to SEK -13 528 thousand (-13 998)
- Net income after financial items amounted to SEK -13 527 thousand (-14 403)
- Cash flow amounted to SEK -11 698 thousand (3 937)
- Equity-to-assets ratio amounted to 77.9% (77.6%)
- Net sales amounted to SEK 9 788 thousand (21 234)
- Operating profit amounted to SEK -19 628 thousand (-14 402)
- Net income after financial items amounted to SEK -19 647 thousand (-14 408)
- Cash flow amounted to SEK -15 464 thousand (-8 222)
- Equity-to-assets ratio amounted to 77.9% (77.6%)
- New board members elected at the AGM
- New interim CEO, Torbjörn Sandberg
- Delivery of coating machine to Xin Point (China)
- Machine order from Varioplast (Germany)
- Orders from China Hydrogen Energy and Huaqing Power Technology treated as no longer valid following thorough review
- Former CEO terminated after preliminary findings of independent investigation
I started as interim CEO of Impact Coatings at the end of May. During the more than two months that have passed, my conviction has grown stronger that the company has very good potential to establish itself as a leading supplier of coatings for fuel cells, reflectors and exclusive consumer products. I am very impressed by the competence, energy, and ambition of the Impact Coatings team.
Our customers are clearly satisfied with our offering and with us as a company. The German company Varioplast has after the period end ordered an additional coating machine from us, and at the end of the quarter we delivered a coating machine to Xin Point in southern China – in both cases the result of several years’ evaluation of our production solution for metallization on plastic.
At the same time one can see that better commercial processes and a more efficient organization will be required to increase value creation over time. To this end, a review of the company's customers, partners and suppliers is being carried out.
In connection with my starting, an objective review of the company was carried out to identify both strengths and areas needing development. Given that there were two major orders from China that had been delayed on several occasions, it was necessary to initiate a dedicated investigation concerning their status. The conclusion was that they can no longer be considered valid, since the customers could not demonstrate when payment could take place. In one case, a deposit had been paid, which will not be refunded. The situation with the two orders is highly regrettable, and is a clear signal to the company about the importance of risk assessment and commercial discipline that we will carry forward into future negotiations.
We see great interest in our offering for Decorative, Metallization and Reflective coatings. We estimate that the potential in the short and medium term is high in this segment, and that it offers the fastest path to profitability. We will therefore add additional resources in this area to be able to capitalize on the opportunities.
We will continue to work strategically with fuel cells, focusing on the industry-leading companies in the fuel cell industry, car manufacturers, and those suppliers on which car manufacturers have chosen to focus. We will not, however, work with companies that lack long-term financing, have an appreciably high commercial risk profile, or otherwise cannot be considered a strategic future customer or business partner.
A renewed contact at management level has been initiated with Optorun (Japan), with which we have distribution and supply agreements, to evaluate the future business potential. Previously communicated sales estimates connected to these agreements are being reviewed.
Impact Coatings is a company with great potential, and we will work hard over the long term, in a structured and goal-oriented manner, to grow and become profitable. To succeed, we will do all we can to recruit employees who have the same capacity and professionalism as our staff today.
Torbjörn Sandberg
Second quarter 2018
Revenue for the second quarter amounted to SEK 2,648 thousand (2,783) and operating profit was SEK -13,258 thousand (-13,998). Profit before depreciation and other operating expenses was SEK -12,717 thousand (-13,493). Profit before tax amounted to SEK -13,527 thousand (-14,403). Cash flow amounted to SEK -11 698 thousand (3 937).
Cash flow from operating activities during the period amounted to SEK -11 698 thousand (3 937).
Cash flow from investing activities amounted to SEK 0 thousand (-1 340).
Cash flow from financing activities amounted to SEK 0 (0). Total cash flow for the period was SEK -11,698 thousand (-3,937).
During the period, a machine under production and part of the inventory of raw materials and consumables have been revalued. The net effect of the revaluation has been a reduction in operating profit for the period by SEK -2,780 thousand.
Provisions for deferred tax assets have, as in previous years' accounts, not been made.
First half 2018
Revenue for the period January-June amounted to SEK 9 788 thousand (21 234). Gross profit amounted to SEK 4,097 thousand, 41.9% of sales (3,352, 15.8%). Operating expenses amounted to SEK -29,416 thousand (-35 636). Earnings before depreciation and other operating expenses amounted to SEK -18,004 thousand (-13,498). Profit before tax amounted to SEK -19,647 thousand (-14,408). Cash flow amounted to SEK -15,446 thousand (-8,222).
Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK -15,394 thousand during the period (-6,882).
Cash flow from investing activities amounted to SEK 0 thousand (-1 340).
Cash flow from financing activities amounted to SEK -70 thousand (0). Total cash flow for the period amounted to SEK -15,464 thousand (-8,222).
Provisions for deferred tax assets have, as in previous years' accounts, not been made.
Financial position and liquidity
Liquid assets at period end amounted to SEK 49 922 thousand (13 925).
Equity-to-assets ratio amounted to 77.9% (77.6%).
The AGM was held in Linköping on May 17. At the AGM three new members were elected to the board of directors, Mark H. Shay (Chairman), Tanja Vainio and Lars-Gunnar Skötte, and two members were re-elected, Jan-Eric Sundgren and Christian Sahlén.
With the goal of helping the company become financially self-sufficient, the board of directors on May 27 replaced the company CEO and co-founder Henrik Ljungcrantz. Torbjörn Sandberg was appointed interim CEO, with qualifications as CEO of both publicly listed and privately-owned technology companies. The process to recruit a permanent CEO has started, with the goal of filling the role by year-end.
During June, an INLINECOATER™M was delivered according to plan to the Chinese producer of automotive components Xin Point. The coating machine, which was ordered in October 2017, will be used for decorative plastic components. The customer paid upon delivery in accordance with the sale agreement. Final acceptance and final payment will occur after completed installation.
After the period end, Varioplast GmbH (Germany) ordered an INLINECOATER™M coating machine. Varioplast has since 2013 been using coating equipment from Impact Coatings for metallization of plastic components for the automotive industry, which is the intended purpose of the new machine as well.
Under Impact Coatings’ new leadership, the previously communicated orders from China Hydrogen Energy and Huaqing Power Technology were subject to review. The review concluded that the likelihood of the customers fulfilling their obligations in the agreements is sufficiently low that the orders should be considered no longer valid. The was communicated in a press release on July 12.
On July 24 the company communicated that former CEO Henrik Ljungcrantz was terminated with immediate effect and without further severance payments. The reason was an ongoing investigation by PWC, at the request of the board of directors, which indicates that Henrik Ljungcrantz violated rules concerning reimbursement of expenses during several years. The board will hand over the final investigation report, expected during September 2018, to the Swedish Economic Crime Authority and will call shareholders to an extraordinary general meeting whose purpose will be the replacement of the company auditor.
The Impact Coatings board of directors has together with the executive management following the AGM in May updated the company’s strategy. The new direction can be summarized in three main points:
1) Impact Coatings will build a profitable and long-term sustainable business around Decorative, Metallization, and Reflective coatings (D/M/R), where the company has a clear offering and competitive advantages. The company has satisfied customers, of which several are repeat-customers, and a good balance of price vs. costs, which means the board and management see the potential to realize margins that can help the company become financially self-sufficient.
2) The Fuel Cell (FC) segment has significant growth potential, which we will exploit leveraging the unique qualities of Impact Coatings’ technology. The company will focus its sales activities on a prioritized group of fuel cell industry leaders.
3) Production capacity, final assembly, and test will be developed internally to build knowledge and retain margins.
The updated strategy will be presented in further detail via a webcast during September. A separate invitation will be published in the coming weeks.
The internal coating business is increasing in importance, both with respect to coating services and customer samples. Order flow and inquiries about coating of fuel cell plates are increasing. To meet demand, one of the INLINECOATER FC machines that was initially built for delivery to China has been moved to the internal coating operation.
The coating machine developed under the EuroStar Pro-FC program continues to be optimized at Impact Coatings’ premises and will be relocated to Borit NV (Belgium) at a time still to be determined.
With the transition to serial production, revenue and profit from machine sales will be recognized upon delivery to the customer.
This interim report has not been subject to auditor review.
Strategy webcast: September 2018 (date TBD)
Interim report for the third quarter 2018: 26 October 2018
Year-end report for 2018: 15 February 2019
For more information contact:
Torbjörn Sandberg, CEO
Tel: +46 768 43 43 76, E-mail:
Anders Nilsson, CFO
Tel: +46 702 59 28 76, E-mail:
Impact Coatings AB (publ) is required to disclose this information in accordance with EU market abuse regulations. The information was delivered, via the contact persons named above, for publication on 17 August 2018, 8:00 a.m. CET.
About Impact Coatings AB
Impact Coatings develops and delivers world-leading technology for industrial PVD-coatings with a focus on fuel cell, decorative, metallization, and reflector applications. PVD is a method of, under vacuum, producing thin layers of metals and ceramics – surface coatings that maximize performance and durability. Impact Coatings markets coating equipment under the trade name INLINECOATER™ and coatings under MAXPHASE™.
The company’s shares trade on the Nasdaq First North exchange (Nasdaq OMX Nordic). The company’s Certified Adviser is Redeye AB.