Inhalation Sciences: Meet Manoush Masarrat, new CEO on his inspiring first two weeks

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September 27, Stockholm, Sweden: With over 15 years’ leadership experience in Medtech, Manoush Masarrat is the new CEO of Inhalation Sciences, taking over the full executive and operational running of the company at short notice after 10 months as a Board member. So how has it been to move straight from the Board to the Lab, and how have his first two weeks as CEO been?

“Hectic, and fascinating! As a Board member I know the high-level strategic benefits of PreciseInhale, and the impressive calibre of our clients. But suddenly being here on the operational level too, in the Lab every day, really drives home the emerging opportunities ahead. As one of my first acts, I have just bought over 12,000 shares in Inhalation Sciences, as I truly believe in the uniqueness of our technology as well as the great team we have.”

DissolvIt is in demand

During this two first weeks, Masarrat says, ISAB has just finalized ongoing negotiations for the purchase of one of ISAB’s in vitro simulation tools, DissolvIt. “ISAB’s in vitro capabilities are undoubtedly going to be a massive part of our company’s future,” Masarrat says. “Customers see the value immediately. It effectively has no competitors. Remember, DissolvIt isn’t even fully, finally commercialized yet – and we’ve still sold four of the modules, together with PreciseInhale, such is the demand. Being able to provide researchers with persuasive IVIVC data early on makes DissolvIt a landmark technology.”

South East Asia and second orders

He has also in his first two weeks seen the final testing of a PreciseInhale about to be shipped out to a research centre in Singapore. “This is the second system ordered by the same global client,” says Masarrat “it proves that clients with high-volume needs or labs worldwide are ready and happy to pay for two or more PreciseInhale systems – where they need it. The fact that it is going to South East Asia too is excellent and it is in line with our global expansion strategy. An active system producing leading data in that part of the world is a big step forward for us.”

Three CRO projects

The lab is also busy as ever with a full schedule of Contract Research. “We have one ongoing CRO Study being carried out for a global inhalation formulation company, one more being readied to begin in November or December for an R&D company specializing in lung diseases, and one for a pharma company due to start early 2020.”

For Masarrat the calibre and quality of such customers is convincing proof of ISAB’s place in the inhalation market. “My first two weeks confirm to me that we should keep talking to the Management Teams and Boardrooms of our prospects and customers as well as partner scientists in the labs. The strategic benefits of data like ours goes way beyond the lab in terms of transforming pipelines and ambitions. ISAB solutions can cut months or years off drug development, prevent clinical failure from day one, and deliver data, and ultimately products, which otherwise would be unattainable. That’s what people buy when they buy our products. I’m proud to take over as CEO with such an exciting offering to share.”

For more information on Inhalation Sciences, please contact:

Manoush Masarrat, CEO 
E-mail: Manoush
Telephone: +46 (0)736 289 153

About Inhalations Sciences Sweden AB (publ)

Inhalation Sciences Sweden AB (publ) develops and commercializes world-leading instruments for research into inhalation. The company’s patented lab instrument, PreciseInhale®, enables researchers to characterize, with high precision, how aerosols and small particles impact our lungs, and so our health, when we breathe them in.





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