Bursary Budget in Scotland Proves Insufficient for Poorest Students

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Committed to bringing students across the country the latest student offers and student money news, Student Money Saver brings the news on finance cuts for students in Scotland which could see the poorest students struggle to support their studies.

This week, Student Money Saver learnt that the current figure for discretionary funds which help provide the poorest students finance their studies is unsubstantial.  The National Union of Students in Scotland requested information from forty colleges across the country on the distribution of their bursary budget.

Unsurprisingly, NUS Scotland received replies from just 28 institutions which revealed that most had overspent their budget.  Many institutions are being forced to use college funds to provide extra support for the poorest students.

What comes most shocking to Student Money Saver is that the current £95.6 million budget will be cut to £84.2 million in August thus making it harder for institutions to cope with the need for extra financial support.

President of NUS Scotland, Robin Parker, commented on the bursary reductions saying: "This analysis is incredibly worrying as it shows that even the current £95.6 million budget was not enough to meet demand from the poorest students hoping to go to college just now.

"The SNP's manifesto was clearly right in May to promise to protect this budget throughout the parliament, but they are now absolutely wrong to be proposing an £11 million cut. This would be a cut to the poorest people in some of the poorest communities in Scotland."

With many budgets being reduced there is worry that poorer students will be put off applying for university.  Any students looking for information on the latest tuition fees and governmental cuts should visit Student Money Saver where information on student money and student offers can be found. 
