Engineered Wood Flooring Proves Popular with UK Flooring Direct Customers This Month

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As the frost moves in on the nation, homeowners are looking to warm up over the winter months. 

(United Kingdom – 6th December 2011) As the frost moves in on the nation, homeowners are looking to warm up over the winter months. Home improvement has become popular this month which has sparked sales on engineered wood flooring and unfinished engineered floors products at UK Flooring Direct.

UK Flooring Direct has over 25 years in the industry and has seen great success in recent years as it continues to offer competitive prices on high quality wooden floors products. Engineered wood flooring has flown off the shelves in recent months as customers prepare for a cold and busy Christmas.

Engineered wood flooring is ideal for homeowners looking to create a timeless look in the home as it gives the home a feeling of warmth during the cold, winter evenings. Constructed from three pieces of wood, the floor is strong and versatile. The top layer of the floor gives the appearance of a real wood floor but without the expensive price tag.

Unfinished engineered floors are a popular choice amongst customers looking for a unique look. The product gives homeowners the chance to design their own floor on a stunning oak timber base to produce a truly bespoke wood floor product.

For any natural looking wooden flooring product, UK Flooring Direct advises an engineered wood flooring product which can be bought for competitive prices on the flooring specialist’s site.
