ExtraCare Charitable Trust’s Coventry Village Offers Alternative to Traditional Care Homes

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The ExtraCare Charitable Trust has announced proposals to create Coventry’s first retirement village, offering local older people a 21st century alternative to traditional care homes.

Minutes from the City Centre, the retirement village could provide homes for over 350 senior residents and could be ready as soon as 2015.

Earlsdon Park is the proposed location selected by The ExtraCare Charitable Trust as part of a three acre site that would also include a restaurant, refurbished theatre, Premier Inn, cafe and food store.

The Village itself would offer local residents aged 55-95 upwards an affordable  mix of purchase and rental homes, surrounding a Village Centre – a social hub that would include a bowling green, well- being centre, library, IT suite, gym, greenhouse, restaurant and bar.  Moving away from a model of care dependency sometimes associated with traditional nursing and care homes, the Village would promote well-being, independence, social opportunity and community involvement.

In common with all of ExtraCare’s 12 retirement villages across the Midlands and North, a qualified staff team would be able to deliver up to 24-hour assessed care to residents in their own home and a programme of preventative health care through its award-winning Well-being Service.  Subject to assessment, residents with dementia may also be supported by the Charity.

Local older people over the age of 55 that live in Coventry City are invited to register their interest in the Village so that the Charity can keep them updated with Village development news. 

The Charity will be applying for planning permission in 2012 and full updates regarding this exciting new range of care homes can always be found at the ExtraCare Charitable Trust website. To go to the site now, simply click this link.

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