New Range of Christmas Gifts from Terry’s Fabrics

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For customers stuck for Christmas gift ideas for friends and family this year it would be wise to visit the homepage of  Terry’s Fabrics where a new range of products have been prepared specifically for the festive season.

(United Kingdom –14th December 2011) For customers stuck for Christmas gift ideas for friends and family this year it would be wise to visit the homepage of Terry’s Fabrics where a new range of products have been prepared specifically for the festive season. Amongst the range are a number of great products that span over a wide price range so that whoever it is customers are buying for the site has a gift to match.

The range is focused on interior design items that are perfect for customising the home in a stylish and unique way and include everything from super-soft luxury bed linen to a host of curtains and cushions which make the perfect design solution for creating a cosy home atmosphere over the Christmas holiday.

The range also includes some of their most popular items from the last year including the Diamond 2751 red rug that has been gaining the attention of home makers across the United Kingdom as a stylish and versatile floor accessory perfect for any room in the home.

As well as the range of products specifically designed for Christmas Terry’s Fabrics have also been attracting attention for their recently launched range of Winter designs. This has seen the company’s award-winning designers focus on helping customers to create the perfect winter home using a combination of thick and lush materials with dark brooding colours to create a warm and homely atmosphere.

To find out more about the products currently on offer at Terry’s Fabrics customers can pay the site a visit.
