Schools Out for Summer with Terrys Fabrics

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Parents who are dreading the thought of the endless school summer holiday may have another reason to be worried. 

(United Kingdom – 25th July 2011) Parents who are dreading the thought of the endless school summer holiday may have another reason to be worried.

According to Terrys Fabrics instead of relaxing in the garden or enjoying family trips out, many parents will be decorating and updating their children’s bedrooms, as it appears that one of the most sought after treats this summer is a newly designed bedroom including all the soft furnishing trimmings.

With purse strings tight, many families are choosing not to go abroad, instead looking at other more cost effective ways to treat the kids. Day trips and short breaks are being planned in addition spending time improving the look of their children’s bedrooms. However, it seems that in pushing for this to happen the kids are not off the hook completely as they are being roped in to help with the decorating and preparation.

Staff at Terrys Fabrics in (Stoke/Stockport) has already seen parents coming into the store with their children to research fabrics and colour schemes in anticipation of the summer makeover. Competition already looks set to be fierce amongst teenagers all trying to out do their friends in terms of the ‘coolest’ colour schemes and the most original soft furnishings.

Paul McGuinness, Director of Terrys Fabrics comments; “Summer tends to be a quieter time of year for us, many people go away for a break or are generally taking time off to spend with their kids during the long school holidays. However we all know that money is tight but parents don’t want to feel that their kids are missing out, so instead of spending a couple of thousand going away somewhere, they are spending a lot less on re-decorating their kids bedrooms. As a result we have seen our stores a little busier than usual.

“Of course, from a parent’s point of view as well as this being a treat for their children there is a potential secondary benefit to an investment of this nature. Hopefully with newly painted walls, new bedding, new curtains and cushions, a rug and new lighting, the kids will feel much happier and content in their surroundings and will therefore be more inclined to get on with their homework. That is however, only a theory of course!”

For more information about Terrys Fabrics either come and see us in our store at Stockport/Stoke or visit us online on
