Student Finance on the Agenda in Scotland as NUS Kick Off Campaign

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Student money websites and magazines such as Young Academic and Student Money Saver have been revealing the plight of Scottish student of late. As they have been reporting on their forums, plans to reverse cuts in student support could lead more young people on the dole. The stories have been serving to warn the Scottish government of what could happen if things proceed in such a manner.

The National Union of Students in Scotland has mounted its biggest-ever student finance campaign in order to try to persuade ministers to increase financial support.

More than 80,000 emails have been sent to MSPs from students, lecturers and others urging them to use tomorrow's Scottish Budget to address the issue.

The Scottish Government has proposed cutting the current £95.6million to £84.2million from August.

Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie also urged Education Secretary Mike Russell to find more cash for colleges.

Robin Parker, president of NUS Scotland, said without additional money for student support, more young people are likely to join the dole queue because they cannot afford to stay in education.

He said: "With college bursary budgets already overstretched this year, the Scottish Government is planning to spend £11million less on support for the poorest students next year.

"That's money that ensures students can afford to stay in education, rather than add to the already-too-high numbers of youth in the dole queue.

Students from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales can head over to Student Money Saver by clicking here to find exactly what is happening in the world of student offers and student discounts.
