Student Money Saver Offers Students Advice on Working During Term Time

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With Freshers’ Week now a thing of the past and students get into a routine of late nights out and early morning lectures, Student Money Saver offers advice on saving money and the advantages of getting a part time job.

(United Kingdom – 24th October 2011) With Freshers’ Week now a thing of the past and students get into a routine of late nights out and early morning lectures, Student Money Saver offers advice on saving money and the advantages of getting a part time job.

Student finance and fees have been in the news a lot over the last year and as tuition fees rocket out of control, an increasing number of students are seeking paid employment whilst at university.

According to a recent poll, two in three university students have a part time job in an attempt to get some extra money for living expenses.  There are many advantages and drawbacks from working during term time and whilst it can prove lucrative to those looking to keep their student bank accounts balance in the black, Student Money Saver warns that hours should be kept to a minimum.

The amount of hours a student works is entirely down to lecture times, work load and expenses. 15 hours is the national average for students taking a full time course at university says NUS.  For some however this could be too many.

The national minimum wage for a student over the age of 18 but less than 21 now stands at £4.98 and for students over 21 years of age, the wage per hour is currently £6.08.  Working just 15 hours a week can mean as much as £90 extra cash to be spent on food, drinks and university books but students must take deadlines and work load into consideration.

For more information on money saving ideas as well as the latest student deals and offers, keep up-to-date with Student Money Saver.
