Student Money Saver Reveals How Potential Graduates Can Be Helped with Student Finance

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As Student Money Saver has been quick to point out, the idea of student debt spiralling out of control has plunged students and parents into a funding frenzy. As all involved are well aware, student finance will cost up to £9,000 a year from September – somewhat overwhelming compared to the £3,375 that students are currently paying.

UCAS, the universities admission service last week published figures that showed that the number of applicants fell by 8.7 per cent in January compared with last year. As sites such as Student Money Saver are quick to point out, this is hardly surprising given the coalition’s abandonment of the student and education sector.

There are also concerns that a lack of understanding about the new funding rules is dampening ambitions to apply for a degree course.

However, despite these concerns, there are still positives to be drawn from the student loan system. For example, the Student Loans Company work on behalf of the Government and as such, are not a payday lender. Compared to payday and unsecured loans, student debt is still relatively cheap. Additionally, if students find that they can't afford repayments, they won't be asked to stump up any money. Other lenders would hardly be as understanding and/or forgiving.

Students and parents that wish to learn more about the forthcoming student finance changes should head over to Student Money Saver – the nation’s premier site when it comes to student offers and advice. To do so immediately, click this link now.