UK Flooring Direct Offers Customers Advice on Underlay for Floors

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Customers choosing wooden floors this season are urged by UK Flooring Direct to consider an underlay too.

(United Kingdom – 14th December 2011) Customers choosing wooden floors this season are urged by UK Flooring Direct to consider an underlay too. Underlay for floors can not only offer stability and ensure correct installation but can also provide heat and sound insulation. UK Flooring Direct has a wide range of underlay for floors available according to specific needs and each is available at a competitive price.

Choosing the right underlay is essential. There is an array of underlays available to customers depending on the type of flooring, the problem or the requirements. Each underlay will prevent certain problems from occurring thanks to their features and it is for this reason that customers are urged to visit the Advice Centre at UK Flooring Direct for tips on choosing the right underlay.

Uneven surfaces are a common occurrence in homes when installing a new floor. An uneven floor can create a number of problems for the homeowner including sound and damp problems. With the addition of an underlay, uneven floors can be completely eliminated without the need for any additional work.

Customers looking to purchase an underlay for their flooring products should visit the Advice Centre where tips and advice can be found on the various underlays which are available. Browse the full range by clicking here to take advantage of the competitive prices which are available.
