Annual General Meeting of Intrum Justitia AB

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Summary of the decisions taken at the Intrum Justitia AB (publ) Annual General Meeting. The AGM was held today in Stockholm with around 60 people in attendance. The meeting was chaired by Lars Lundquist.

“Our goal is to get more companies to outsource their own credit management to professional suppliers. To succeed with this, our vision must to be seen not as a debt collection agency, but a service-provider with client focus. In addition, we must strengthen our position within commercial collection in the big five European markets in Italy, Spain, France, Germany and England”, said Intrum Justitia’s President and CEO Michael Wolf in his address.

The Annual General Meting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal for dividend of SEK 2.75 per share, with 30 April 2007 as the record date. The dividend is estimated to be paid out through VPC on 4 May 2007.

Election of the Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting resolved, in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, that the number of Board Members shall be seven (7) with no deputy Board Members, and to re-elect Board Members Helen Fasth-Gillstedt, Lars Förberg, Bo Ingemarson, Lars Lundquist and Lars Wollung and to elect Matts Ekman and Ársæll Hafsteinsson as new Board Members.

Lars Lundquist was elected Chairman of the Board and Bo Ingemarson Deputy Chairman.

Matts Ekman has been Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Vattenfall Group. Formerly, he was Chief Financial Officer of Gränges AB and thereafter Chief Financial Officer of AB Electrolux. Ekman is Chairman of the Board of Handelshuset Ekman & Co and Board Member of Investment AB Öresund, Profoto AB, Spendrup Invest AB and Compateq AB. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of Swedish Calyon (formerly Banque Credit Agricole Indosuez). Ekman holds an MBA from Lund University and an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley.
Number of shares in Intrum Justitia: 2,000

Ársæll Hafsteinsson is Manager of Landsbanki Ísland’s Legal Division, including Credit Risk, Operational Risk and Branch Management. Formerly, he worked for Búnaðarbanki Íslands hf. (now Kaupthing Bank), serving as head of that bank's legal department and thereafter as Chief Legal Officer. He is a board member of various companies and funds, including Búnaðarbanki Employees' Pension Fund, Creditinfo Group hf. and Intrum á Íslandi hf. Hafsteinsson is a law graduate from the University of Iceland.
Number of shares in Intrum Justitia: 0

Remuneration to the Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting adopted the Nomination Committee’s proposal for remuneration to the Board of Directors in accordance with the following: SEK 600,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 300,000 to each of the other Board Members (in total SEK 2,400,000) plus SEK 400,000 to be attributed to committee work, whereof SEK 100,000 to the Chairman of the Audit Committee, SEK 50,000 to each of the other two Audit Committee members and the remaining SEK 200,000 to be distributed equally among the altogether six members of the Remuneration and Investment Committees.

Principles of remuneration and other terms of employment for senior management
The Annual General Meeting resolved to approve the Board of Directors’ proposal for principles of remuneration and other terms of employment for senior management, the main principle being that Intrum Justitia shall offer market terms, enabling the Group to recruit and retain senior executives with excellent competence and capacity for achieving established goals.

Nomination Committee 2007/2008
The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Nomination Committee of 2006/2007, entailing in summary that the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall convene the five largest shareholders of the company, with respect to voting power, at the end of the third quarter of the year. These shareholders then have the right to appoint a member each to the Nomination Committee. The Committee shall be chaired by one of its members. No more than two of the Committee's members may also be members of the Board of Directors. Information regarding the composition to the Nomination Committee shall be made public in the company's interim report for the third quarter.

Adoption of the profit and loss statements and balance sheets 2006 and discharge from liability
The profit and loss statements and balance sheets for 2006 were adopted and the Board and the Managing Director were discharged from liability for the administration of the company for the year 2006.


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