Intrum Justitia’s Norwegian subsidiary regains its debt collection license

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The Norwegian Ministry of Justice today reverses the Financial Supervisory Authority’s November 2007 decision.

Since the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority, Kredittilsynet, decided to revoke Intrum Justitia’s debt collection license in Norway, the company has taken a number of measures to further strengthen control and administrative security. Administrative systems have been reviewed and improved and the production system has undergone an external audit. The decision by the Ministry of Justice proves that Intrum Justitia’s Norwegian operations now meet very high security standards.

“We are of course very pleased with this confirmation that our operations maintain high standards and clearly meet regulatory requirements on control and routines,” says Michael Wolf, CEO and President of Intrum Justitia. “We can now put this matter behind us and continue to work to further strengthen our market position in Norway with a leaner organization under the leadership of Reidun Korsnes, our new Managing Director in Norway who will be joining us shortly.”


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