Nomination Committee’s proposal to the AGM of Intrum Justitia AB (publ)

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The Nomination Committee has informed Intrum Justitia of their proposal to the Annual General Meeting on April 25, 2007 (the AGM) to nominate seven Board Members, to re-elect Helen Fasth-Gillstedt, Lars Förberg, Bo Ingemarson, Lars Lundquist and Lars Wollung and to elect Matts Ek-man and Ársæll Hafsteinsson as new Board Members. Furthermore, the Nomination Committee will propose the re-election of Lars Lundquist as Chairman of the Board and Bo Ingemarson as Deputy Chairman of the Board. Sigurjón Th. Árnason and Jim Richards have declined re-election.

Matts Ekman, age 60, former First Senior Executive Vice President and CFO of the Vattenfall Group. He is a Bachelor of Business Administration from Lund University and he holds an MBA from University of California, Berkeley.
Ársæll Hafsteinsson, age 49, Managing Director of Landsbanki’s Legal Division, including Credit Control and Branch Support. He is a law graduate of University of Iceland.

The notice for the Annual General Meeting will include a complete presentation of the candidates’ other Board Memberships, etc and the Nomination Committee’s proposal for how to convene the next Nomination Committee. This information will also be published on the corporate web site.

Furthermore, the Nomination Committee will propose to remunerate the Chairman of the Board with SEK 600,000 and SEK 300,000 to each one of the other Members of the Board. According to the Nomination Committee’s proposal on the number of Board Members, the total remuneration will amount to SEK 2,400,000. In addition, the Nomination Committee will propose that a remu-neration amounting to in total SEK 400,000 shall be attributed to committee work, whereof the Chairman of the Audit Committee shall receive SEK 100,000 and the other two Audit Committee members SEK 50,000 each. The remaining SEK 200,000 is proposed to be distributed equally among the altogether six members of the Remuneration- and Investment Committees. Fees to the auditors are proposed to be paid on approved account.

The Nomination Committee will also propose that the Chairman of the Board, Lars Lundquist, is appointed Chairman of the Annual General Meeting.

Shareholders representing about 37.7 per cent of the total votes and shares in the company sup-port this proposal.

The members of the Nomination Committee for the Intrum Justitia AGM 2007 are:
Christer Gardell, Cevian Capital, Chairman, Göran Espelund, Lannebo Funds, Björn Fröling, Parkerhouse Investments, Björn Lind, SEB Funds and SEB Trygg Liv, and Árni Thorbjörns-son, Landsbanki Íslands. Lars Lundquist, Chairman of the Intrum Justitia Board has been co-opted to the committee’s meetings.


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