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  • Notice for an Extraordinary Annual general Meeting of shareholders in Intrum Justitia AB (publ)

Notice for an Extraordinary Annual general Meeting of shareholders in Intrum Justitia AB (publ)

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The Shareholders of Intrum Justitia AB (publ), company number 556607-7581, are hereby given notice to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting on Thursday, 16 June 2005, at 10.00 am (CET) at Lambertrummet, Dieselverkstaden, Marcusplatsen 17, Sickla, Nacka, Sweden.

This press release may not be published or distributed in the United States of America, Canada, Australia or Japan. This press release is not an extension into the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan of the redemption offer mentioned herein and is not an offer to buy securities in the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan. This document is an unofficial translation of the Swedish notice. In the event of any contradiction between the text contained in this document and the Swedish document, the latter shall prevail. Right to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting Shareholders wishing to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting must: - be registered on Monday, 6 June 2005, in the share register maintained by VPC AB (the shareholders are especially reminded that 6 June 2005 is a public holiday); and - have notified their intention to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting not later than 4.00 pm (CET) on Friday, 10 June 2005. (Regarding the notice, see below.) Nominee-registered Shares In order to be entitled to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting, shareholders whose shares are nominee-registered through a bank or a security investment institute must ensure that the nominee temporarily registers the shares in the shareholder’s own name in the share register maintained by VPC AB. Shareholders wishing such re-registration must give their nominee notice thereof in ample time prior to Monday, 6 June 2005. All Shareholders are should be aware that 6 June 2005 is a public holiday and that registration thus must be executed no later than Friday 3 June 2005. Notification etc. Notifications for participation at the Extraordinary General Meeting may be filed at the company’s website www.intrum.com, by email agm@intrum.com, by fax +46 8 546 10 211, by telephone +46 8 546 10 250 or by mail to Intrum Justitia AB, “Bolagsstämma”, SE-105 24 Stockholm, Sweden. The notification shall state the shareholder’s name, personal identification/company registration number, shareholding, address, phone number (daytime) and information on (a maximum of two) possible assistants, and where applicable, information on representative. Furthermore, the notification should include, where applicable, complete proofs of authority, such as certificates of registration and proxies. Shareholders represented by proxies shall issue, in writing, a dated and signed proxy. If the proxy is issued by a legal entity, certified copies of the certificate of registration or equivalent authorization documents shall be enclosed. The proxy and the certificate of registration must not be more than one year old on the day of the General Meeting of Shareholders. Proxies in original and certificates of registration should be sent by ordinary mail to the company at the address stated above in ample time prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting. Personal data obtained from notifications, proxies and the register of shareholders kept by VPC AB will be used for the necessary registration and preparation of the voting list for the Extraordinary General Meeting. Proposed Agenda for the Extraordinary General Meeting 1. Opening of the Extraordinary General Meeting 2. Election of the Chairman of the meeting 3. Preparation and approval of the voting list 4. Approval of the agenda 5. Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes (and to count votes) 6. Determination as to whether the meeting has been duly convened 7. Proposal on Resolution regarding (A) reduction of the share capital by redemption of ordinary shares; (B) reduction of the share premium reserve; (C) new issue of shares of series C; (D) reduction of the share capital by redemption of shares of series C; and (E) reduction of the share premium reserve 8. Closing of the Extraordinary General Meeting Proposed resolutions Item 7 The Annual General Meeting resolved on 27 April 2005 to implement a redemption procedure, pursuant to which the Company’s shareholders were offered to have shares redeemed with repayment to the shareholders of approximately SEK 595 million. The application period for participation in the redemption offer runs from and including 10 May 2005 up to and including 31 May 2005. In order to execute the redemption offer and to effectuate disbursement to the shareholders, it is required that an Extraordinary General Meeting resolve on (A) reduction of the share capital (the reduction amount) as a consequence of the redemption offer, with a statement of the exact redemption amount and the exact number of shares that the redemption comprises, (B) reduction of the share premium reserve, which shall be decreased by the difference between the redemption amount and the reduction amount, (C) a new issue of shares of series C to such an extent that a subscription amount equal to the redemption amount is contributed to the Company, whereby the decrease in the share capital and the share premium reserve is restored in the same relation, (D) reduction of the share capital through redemption of shares of series C, and (E) reduction of the share premium reserve, where the reductions under items (D) and (E) shall be made with an amount corresponding to the redemption amount. In view of the aforementioned, the Board of Directors proposes that the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 16 June 2005 adopt the following resolutions: (A) Reduction of the share capital through redemption of ordinary shares The Company’s share capital shall be reduced by not more than SEK 141,643 (the reduction amount) through redemption of a maximum of 7,082,134 ordinary shares. The purpose of the reduction is repayment to the shareholders. For each redeemed share an amount of SEK 84 shall be paid, of which SEK 0.02 constitutes the par value. In total, disbursement will be made of up to SEK 594,899,256 (the redemption amount). The exact reduction amount, redemption amount and number of ordinary shares which the General Meeting of Shareholders is proposed to resolve upon according to this item (A), will be made public no later than one week before the General Meeting of Shareholders. (B) Reduction of the share premium reserve The share premium reserve of the Company shall be reduced by not more than SEK 594,757,613 in connection with the reduction of the share capital and the execution of the redemption offer to the shareholders. The purpose of the reduction of the share premium reserve is repayment to the Company’s shareholders of SEK 84 per redeemed share, in total up to SEK 594,899,256, of which not more than SEK 141,643 are paid through reduction of the share capital and not more than SEK 594,757,613 are paid by using the share premium reserve. The exact amount by which the share premium reserve is to be reduced, which the General Meeting of Shareholders is proposed to resolve upon according to this item (B), will be made public no later than one week before the General Meeting of Shareholders. (C) New issue of shares of series C The share capital of the Company shall be increased by not more than SEK 141,643 by way of a new issue through subscription for up to 7,082,134 shares of series C, each share with a par value of SEK 0.02. The exact amount of the increase of the share capital and the number of new shares of series C, which the General Meeting of Shareholders is proposed to resolve upon according to this item (C), will be made public no later than one week before the General Meeting of Shareholders. The new shares shall, with deviation from the shareholders preferential rights, be subscribed for by Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) (the ”Bank”). Subscription for the new shares shall be made on a special subscription list no later than Monday, 20 June 2005 and payment for the new shares shall be made in cash with a subscription amount of SEK 84 per share, of which SEK 0.02 constitutes the nominal value and SEK 83.98 share premium, in conjunction with the subscription. The new shares are subject to a reservation in the articles of association to reduce the share capital by redemption of shares in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 8, of the Swedish Companies’ Act and the new shares do not entitle to dividend, and entitles to one tenth of a vote per share. As regards the reason for deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights and the basis for establishment of the issue price, the following is stated. The resolution on redemption of shares for the purpose of repayment to the shareholders may be executed without the delay of obtaining the approval of the court if, at the same time, an amount equal to the total amount with which the share capital and the share premium reserve are reduced, is contributed to the Company by way of a new issue of shares. The Bank has undertaken to subscribe for the new issue of shares of series C and further also has agreed to have the series C shares redeemed in accordance with items (D) and (E) below. The issue price has been determined in agreement with the Bank. (D) Reduction of the share capital through redemption of shares of series C The Company’s share capital shall be reduced by not more than SEK 141,643 (the reduction amount) through redemption of up to 7,082,134 shares of series C. The purpose of the reduction is repayment to the shareholder (the Bank). The exact reduction amount and the total number of shares of series C that are to be redeemed, which the General Meeting of Shareholders is proposed to resolve upon according to this item (D) will be made public no later than one week before the General Meeting of Shareholders. A redemption amount of SEK 84 per share, in total not more than SEK 594,899,256, adjusted as per the day for the redemption with an interest rate corresponding to STIBOR 30 days plus 0.5 percentage units, calculated from the day of payment of the subscription price, shall be paid for the redeemed shares. In order to execute the repayment, an amount of not more than SEK 594,899,256 shall be taken from the company’s restricted equity (of which not more than SEK 141,643 is taken from the share capital and not more than SEK 594,757,613 from the share premium reserve) and the outstanding adjustment amount in accordance with the aforementioned shall be taken from available unrestricted equity. It is noted that in order to execute the resolution of the General Meeting on reduction of the Company’s share capital through redemption of the new issued shares of series C, the approval by the court in accordance with the provisions of the Swedish Companies’ Act is required. (E) Reduction of the share premium reserve The share premium reserve of the Company shall be reduced by not more than SEK 594,757,613 in connection with the reduction of the share capital under item (D) above. The purpose of the reduction of the share premium reserve is repayment to the shareholder (the Bank) of SEK 84 per redeemed share, in total up to SEK 594,899,256, of which not more than SEK 141,643 are paid through reduction of the share capital and not more than SEK 594,757,613 are paid by using the share premium reserve. The exact amount by which the share premium reserve is to be reduced, which the General Meeting of Shareholders is proposed to resolve upon according to this item (E), will be made public no later than one week before the General Meeting of Shareholders. It is noted that in order to execute the resolution of the General Meeting on reduction of the share premium reserve, the approval by the court in accordance with the provisions of the Swedish Companies’ Act is required. The redemption of shares under item (D) above shall be executed and the redemption amount paid out as soon as possible after the final decision on approval of the reductions under items (D) and (E) by the court have been received, and the final decision on approval of the reduction under item (D) by the court has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The Board of Directors further proposes that the General Meeting of Shareholders decides to authorise the Company’s Board or any person that the Board puts in its place to make any minor adjustments in the resolutions under items (A)-(E) above under item 7, which may be required in connection with the registration of the resolutions with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, the Swedish Central Securities Depository & Clearing Organisation AB (Sw. VPC AB) and for the application to obtain the court’s approval. The General Meeting of Shareholders’ resolutions under item 7 above shall be adopted together as one resolution. In order for the resolution to be valid, shareholders holding no less than two-thirds of the votes cast as well as the shares represented at the General Meeting of Shareholders must vote to approve the resolution. The Board’s complete proposed resolution pursuant to item 7 above, and the necessary documentation pursuant to Chapter 6 Section 2, and Chapter 4 Section 4, of the Swedish Companies Act, will be held available to the shareholders from and including 9 June 2005 at the company’s office, Marcusplatsen 1A in Nacka, Sweden, and on the company’s website www.intrum.com, and will be sent by ordinary mail to any shareholders that so request, which provide their postal address. Stockholm, May 2005 Intrum Justitia AB (publ) The Board of Directors For further information, please contact: Anders Antonsson, Director of Communications Tel: +46 8 546 10 206 Mobile: +46 703 36 78 18 E-mail: a.antonsson@se.intrum.com


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