Notice of Annual General Meeting of shareholders in Intrum Justitia AB (publ)

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The Shareholders of Intrum Justitia AB (publ), company number 556607-7581, are hereby given notice to attend the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 27 April 2005, at 4.00 pm at Södra Paviljongen, Vasagatan 1 (adjacent to the Central Station), Stockholm. Coffee is served from 3.00 pm.

Right to participate at the Annual General Meeting Shareholders wishing to participate at the Annual General Meeting must: - be registered on Sunday, 17 April 2005, in the share register maintained by the Swedish Central Securities Depository & Clearing Organisation (Sw: VPC AB) (the shareholders are especially reminded that 17 April 2005 is a Sunday); and - have notified their intention to participate at the Annual General Meeting not later than 4.00 pm on Thursday, 21 April 2005. (Regarding the notice, see below.) Nominee-registered Shares In order to be entitled to participate at the Annual General Meeting, shareholders whose shares are nominee-registered through a bank or a security investment institute must ensure that the nominee temporarily registers the shares in the shareholder’s own name in the share register maintained by the Swedish Central Securities Depository & Clearing Organisation. Shareholders wishing such re-registration must give their nominee notice thereof in ample time prior to Sunday 17 April 2005. The Shareholders are reminded that 17 April 2005 is a Sunday and that registration thus must be executed on Friday 15 April 2005. Notification etc. Notifications for participation at the Annual General Meeting may be filed at the company’s website, by email, by fax +46 8 546 10 211, by telephone +46 8 546 10 250 or by mail to Intrum Justitia AB, “Bolagsstämma”, SE-105 24 Stockholm, Sweden. The notification shall state the shareholder’s name, personal identification/company registration number, shareholding, address, phone number (daytime) and information on (a maximum of two) possible assistants, and where applicable, information on representative. Furthermore, the notification should include, where applicable, complete proofs of authority such as certificates of registration and proxies. Shareholders represented by proxies shall issue, in writing, a dated and signed proxy. If the proxy is issued by a legal entity, attested copies of the certificate of registration or equivalent authorization documents shall be enclosed. The proxy and the certificate of registration must not be more than one year old. Proxies in original and certificates of registration should be sent by ordinary mail to the company at the address stated above in ample time prior to the Annual General Meeting. Personal data obtained from notifications, proxies and the register of shareholders kept by the Swedish Central Securities Depository & Clearing Organisation will be used for the necessary registration and preparation of the voting list for the Annual General Meeting. Proposed Agenda for the Annual General Meeting 1 Opening of the Annual General Meeting 2 Election of the Chairman of the meeting 3 Preparation and approval of the voting list 4 Approval of the agenda 5 Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes (and to count votes) 6 Determination as to whether the meeting has been duly convened 7 Submission of the annual accounts and report of the Auditor, and Group accounts and report of the Group Auditor, for the financial year 2004 8 a) Speech by the Managing Director b) Statement by the Chairman of the Board regarding the Board’s and the Board Committees’ work 9 Resolution regarding the adoption of the profit and loss statement and balance sheet, and the consolidated profit and loss statement and consolidated balance sheet 10 Resolution regarding appropriation of the company’s result according to the adopted balance sheet 11 Resolution regarding discharge of the Members of the Board and the Managing Director from liability for the administration of the company during the year 2004 12 Determination of the number of Board Members and Deputy Board Members 13 Determination of remuneration for the Board of Directors and fees to the Auditor 14 Election of Board Members and deputy Board Members as well as Chairman of the Board 15 Proposal on Resolution regarding change of the Articles of Association 16 Proposal on Resolution regarding Redemption Offer 17 Nomination Committee 18 Closing of the Annual General Meeting Proposed resolutions A. Proposals by the Nomination Committee In accordance with a decision at the Annual General Meeting 2004, the Chairman of the Board formed a Nomination Committee at the end of the third quarter of 2004 by convening the five major shareholders of the company. The nomination committee consists of Christian Salamon (Chairman), Industri Kapital, Bo Göransson, Parkerhouse Investment, Christer Gardell, Cevian Capital, Göran Espelund, Lannebo Funds, and Björn Lind, SEB Funds. One of the five largest owners has declined to participate in the committee, and SEB Funds, as the sixth largest owner, has been invited to participate in the committee. In total, the Nomination Committee represents approximately 43 percent of the share capital and votes of the Company. Chairman of the Annual General Meeting, number of Board Members, remuneration and fees, election of Board Members and Nomination Committee Item 2 Attorney-at-law Sven Unger is proposed to be appointed Chairman of the Annual General Meeting. Item 12 The number of Board Members is proposed to be eight (8) with no deputy Board Members. Item 13 The remuneration for the Board of Directors is proposed to be determined to a total amount of SEK 1,500,000, out of which SEK 450,000 to the Chairman of the Board, and the remaining SEK 1,050,000 to be distributed amongst the other Directors, as decided by the Board, with an additional SEK 225,000 as fees for performed committee work, in addition to ordinary board work, in total SEK 1,725,000. Fees to the Auditor are proposed to be determined to be paid on approved account. Item 14 It is proposed re-election as Board Members of Björn Fröling, Lars Förberg, Gerard De Geer, Bo Ingemarson, Jim Richards and Christian Salamon, and election of, as new Board Members, Helen Fasth-Gillstedt and Leif Palmdahl, all for the period through to the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting. Reinhold Geijer, Bo Göransson, Maria Lilja and Dennis Punches have all declined re-election. It is proposed that Bo Ingemarson be elected Chairman of the Board. Helen Fasth-Gillstedt, age 43, Vice President Corporate Development and Advisor to the President of the SAS Group. She has worked in several positions within the Scandinavian airline and travel group since 1998 and has spent twelve years in general management positions at the Norwegian oil company Statoil. Fasth-Gillstedt is Board Member of Blue1 Oy, Multicom Security AB and Precise Biometrics AB. Fasth-Gillstedt holds an M Sc from Stockholm School of Economics. Leif Palmdahl, age 63, has extensive experience in the collection industry and is now managing a major agriculture concern. He has held several senior positions within Intrum Justitia since the end of the 1970’s until 1989. Between 1986 and 1989 he was the CEO of Intrum Justitia. Until mid-2004 Palmdahl was the Chairman of the municipality of Gullspång, Sweden. He is Board Member of Vänerhamn AB. Item 17 It is proposed that the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall convene the five largest shareholders of the company, at the end of the third quarter of the year. The five largest shareholders then have the right to appoint a member each of the nomination committee. If any of the five largest shareholders declines its right to appoint a member of the committee, or if a member of the committee resigns without being replaced by a new member appointed by the same shareholder, the shareholder next in size shall be given the opportunity to appoint a member of the committee. If several of the shareholders decline their right to appoint members of the committee, no more than the eight largest shareholders need to be contacted. The committee should be chaired by one of its members. No more than two of the committee’s members should also be members of the Board of Directors. If any of the shareholders having appointed a member to the committee sells a not insignificant part of its shares and ceases to qualify as a large shareholder with rights to appoint a member to the nomination committee, the respective member should resign from the committee. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall, as part of the committee’s work, present any matters regarding the Board of Directors’ work that may be of importance for the nomination committee’s work, including an evaluation of the work of the Board of Directors and the requirements and skill set to be represented by the Directors to the committee; that individual shareholders shall have the possibility to give suggestions regarding members of the Board of Directors to the nomination committee for further assessment within its scope of work; that information regarding the composition of the nomination committee shall be made public in the company’s interim report for the third quarter; and that the nomination committee shall have the right to charge the company costs for recruitment consultants, if it is deemed necessary to get an adequate selection of candidates for members of the Board of Directors. B. Proposals by the Board of Directors Item 10 The Board of Directors and the Managing Director propose that the earnings at the disposal of the Annual General Meeting, comprising the balance carried forward SEK 328,175,558 and the reserve to be used in accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders SEK 500,000,000 less the earnings for the year SEK –53,545,837, in total SEK 774,629,721, be appropriated so that the full amount is carried forward. Redemption Offer On the basis of Intrum Justitia’s strong financial position and continued good cash flow situation, the Board would like to propose a better capital structure in the Company. The Board of Directors therefore proposes a disbursement of approximately SEK 595 M to the shareholders. The disbursement shall be made through a redemption procedure, pursuant to which the Company’s shareholders shall be offered to have shares redeemed with repayment to the shareholders of approximately SEK 595 M and trading in so-called redemption rights shall take place. The redemption offer means that the shareholders are offered to have each twelfth share in the Company redeemed for a redemption price of SEK 84 per share. The Board of Directors intends to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, which is estimated to be held on 16 June 2005 to resolve on the exact number of shares to be redeemed, based on the number of shares tendered in the redemption offer. The full redemption amount will be taken from the Company’s restricted equity by way of reduction of the share capital with the par value of the redeemed shares (the reduction amount) and by way of reduction of the share premium reserve with the outstanding amount (the difference between the redemption amount and the reduction amount). In order to enable the redemption price to be paid to the shareholders as swiftly as possible, about 30 June 2005, the Board of Directors intends to propose that the Extraordinary General Meeting resolve on a directed new issue of C-shares at a subscription price of SEK 84 per share, whereby a lengthy procedure for obtaining of the court’s approval can be avoided. The Extraordinary General Meeting will at the same time immediately resolve on redemption of the new issued C-shares. An amount corresponding to the redemption amount can thus be repaid to the shareholders following the registration of the relevant resolutions with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Sw: Bolagsverket). It is noted that the execution of the Extraordinary General Meeting’s resolution on redemption of the new issued shares of series C requires prior approval of the court. In view of the aforementioned, the Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the 27 April 2005 adopts the following resolutions: Amendment to the Article of Association Item 15 It is proposed that the wording of the Articles of Association shall be amended meaning essentially that the already issued Intrum Justitia shares, which today amount to a total of 84,985,604, hereinafter shall be called ordinary shares. Ordinary shares may be issued up to a maximum of 290,000,000 and that a new series of shares, series C, is introduced, the latter possible to be issued up to a maximum of 10,000,000. Each share of series C shall carry one-tenth of a vote, not entitle to dividend and shall be redeemable at the initiative of holders of shares of series C, the Company’s Board or the General Meeting. For the purposes of increase of the share capital by way of a cash issue, the ordinary shares and the shares of series C shall entitle to usual primary right of priority and subsidiary right of priority in accordance with the provisions of the Swedish Companies Act. The Board of Directors therefore proposes that the Articles of Association be amended by introducing a new provision under § 6. Conditions of the redemption offer Item 16 It is proposed 1 that the shareholders of Intrum Justitia shall for each ordinary share receive one redemption right; 2 that twelve redemption rights shall entitle to redemption of one ordinary share (see, however, item 8 below); 3 that the price to be repaid for each redeemed share, the redemption price, shall amount to SEK 84 per share (see, however, item 8 below); 4 that the record day in respect of the right to receive redemption rights shall be 2 May 2005; 5 that the application period shall run from and including 10 May 2005 up to and including 31 May 2005; 6 that shareholders, who have received redemption rights, shall be offered the opportunity by way of a simplified procedure free of brokers’ commission, to sell a maximum of 1,000 redemption rights. The application period for sale of redemption rights free of brokers’ commission shall run from and including 10 May 2005 up to and including 19 May 2005; 7 that the offer shall include measures that take care of smaller, odd and surplus holdings of redemption rights to facilitate also for the holders of such rights to receive the benefit that the redemption offer may involve; and 8 that, in order to secure that the redemption offer of approximately SEK 595 M is completed, the Board of Directors reserve the right to change, no later than one week before the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the redemption ratio under item 2 above and the redemption price per share under item 3 above, if the price of the Intrum Justitia share should increase materially and thereby result in a risk for the redemption offer becoming less attractive to the shareholders. The redemption offer is conditional upon that an Extraordinary General Meeting, which is intended to take place on the 16 June 2005, resolves on (a) a reduction of the share capital and the share premium reserve as a consequence of the redemption offer, with a statement of the exact redemption amount and the exact number of shares that the redemption comprises, (b) an issue of shares of series C to such an extent that a subscription amount equal to the redemption amount is contributed to the Company, and (c) reduction of the restricted equity (the share capital and the share premium reserve) by redemption of the new issued shares of series C, as well as on the Swedish Companies Registration Office passing the required resolutions regarding registration. It is further noted that the redemption of the new issued shares of series C requires the approval of the court. The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorises the Board of Directors or any person the Board puts in its place, to execute the redemption offer and in connection thereto, to make the minor adjustments regarding the application period and the time period for trading in redemption rights, redemption shares and sale free of brokers’ commission, that may be required in order to facilitate for the foreign shareholders participation in the redemption offer, and the minor adjustments in the resolutions above that may be required in connection with the registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office and the Swedish Central Securities Depository & Clearing Organisation. Majority requirement The General Meeting’s resolution under item 15 above regarding amendments to the Articles of Association requires, in order to be valid, that shareholders holding two-thirds of the votes cast as well as two-thirds of all shares represented at the meeting, vote in favour of the proposal. In order for the General Meeting’s resolution regarding the other items above to be valid, the resolution must be accepted by shareholders holding more than half of the votes cast, or, in the case of a tied vote, the resolution which is accepted by the Chairman. The Board’s complete proposed resolution pursuant to items 15 and 16, and the documentation pursuant to Chapter 9 Section 16 of the Companies Act, will be held available to the shareholders from 13 April 2005 at the company’s office, Marcusplatsen 1A in Nacka, Sweden, and on the company’s web site, and will be sent by ordinary mail to any shareholders that so request, which provide their postal address. Stockholm in March 2005 Intrum Justitia AB (publ) The Board of Directors For further information, please contact: Anders Antonsson, Director of Communications Tel: +46 8 546 10 206 Mobile: +46 703 36 78 18 E-mail:


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