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  • Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders in Intrum Justitia AB (publ)

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders in Intrum Justitia AB (publ)

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This document is an unofficial translation of the Swedish notice. In the event of any contradiction between the text contained in this document and the Swedish document, the latter shall prevail. The Board of Directors of Intrum Justitia AB (publ) has, on request by shareholders representing at least 10 percent of the share capital and votes of the company, decided to summon an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders as follows. In connection herewith, Board Members Gerard de Geer and Christian Salamon have announced that they wish to resign from Board duty. The Shareholders of Intrum Justitia AB (publ), company number 556607-7581, are hereby given notice to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting on Thursday, 24 November 2005, at 4.00 pm (CET) at IVA Konferenscenter, the Axel Johnson Room, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm, Sweden. Right to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting Shareholders wishing to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting must: - be registered on Monday, 14 November 2005, in the share register maintained by VPC AB; and - have notified their intention to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting not later than 4.00 pm CET on Monday, 21 November 2005. (Regarding the notice, see below.) Nominee-registered Shares In order to be entitled to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting, shareholders whose shares are nominee-registered through a bank or a security investment institute must ensure that the nominee temporarily registers the shares in the shareholder’s own name in the share register maintained by VPC AB. Shareholders wishing such re-registration must give their nominee notice thereof in ample time prior to Monday 14 November 2005. Notification etc. Notifications for participation at the Extraordinary General Meeting may be filed at the company’s website www.intrum.com, by email agm@intrum.com, by fax +46 8 546 10 211, by telephone +46 8 546 10 250 or by mail to Intrum Justitia AB, “Bolagsstämma”, SE-105 24 Stockholm, Sweden. The notification shall state the shareholder’s name, personal identification/company registration number, shareholding, address, phone number (daytime) and information on (a maximum of two) possible assistants, and where applicable information on representative. Furthermore, the notification should include, where applicable, complete proofs of authority such as certificates of registration and proxies. Shareholders represented by proxies shall issue, in writing, a dated and signed proxy. If the proxy is issued by a legal entity, attested copies of the certificate of registration or equivalent authorization documents shall be enclosed. The proxy and the certificate of registration must not be more than one year old. Proxies in original and certificates of registration should be sent by ordinary mail to the company at the address stated above in ample time prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting. Proposed Agenda for the Extraordinary General Meeting 1. Opening of the Extraordinary General Meeting 2. Election of the Chairman of the meeting 3. Preparation and approval of the voting list 4. Approval of the agenda 5. Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes 6. Determination as to whether the meeting has been duly convened 7. Determination of the number of Board Members and deputy Board Members 8. Resolution of remuneration to the Board of Directors 9. Election of Board Members and deputy Board Members 10. Closing of the Extraordinary General Meeting Background and proposed resolutions (items 7 and 9) Industri Kapital 1997 Fund has on 30 August 2005 sold its remaining holding of shares in Intrum Justitia AB. The company has hereafter on 31 October 2005 received written request from shareholders representing more than 10 per cent of the votes and shares in the company to issue a notice for an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting for the election of a new Board Member. In connection herewith, Board Members Gerard de Geer and Christian Salamon have announced that they wish to resign from Board duty. Shareholders representing 32.2 per cent of the total votes and shares in the company propose that the number of Board Members elected by the shareholders’ meeting shall be seven and that no deputy members shall be appointed. Furthermore, it is proposed that Gerard de Geer and Christian Salamon are released from the Board of Directors and that Sigurjón Th. Árnason is elected as new Board Member. Mr. Árnason, age 39, is the Group Managing Director and CEO of Landsbanki Íslands hf. since April 2003. Previously he has been the Managing Director of Búnaðarbanki Íslands hf., Administration and Operations, Senior Manager of Economics and Budgeting at Búnaðarbanki and a part time lecturer at the University of Iceland. Mr. Árnason has a BS degree in Engineering from the University of Iceland, as well as an MBA in Finance from Carlson School of Management, the University of Minnesota. Mr. Árnason is the Chairman of the Board of The Icelandic Banks´ Data Center. He is also on the Board of various other companies related to the financial sector in Iceland. For more information about Mr. Árnason please refer to the website of Intrum Justitia AB, www.intrum.com. Board Members Helen Fasth-Gillstedt, Björn Fröling, Lars Förberg, Bo Ingemarson (chairman of the Board of Directors), Leif Palmdahl and Jim Richards will remain on the Board of Directors as elected at the ordinary shareholders’ meeting in 2005. Resolutions in accordance with the above shall apply until the end of the next ordinary shareholders’ meeting. Stockholm in November 2005 Intrum Justitia AB (publ) The Board of Directors For further information, please contact: Anders Antonsson, Director of Communications Tel: +46 8 546 10 206 Mobile: +46 703 36 78 18 E-mail: a.antonsson@se.intrum.com


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