Repurchase of shares in Intrum AB (publ)

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During the period 26 to 30 October 2020, Intrum AB (publ) (“Intrum”) has repurchased a total of 125,000 shares as part of the buyback program introduced by the Board of Directors to secure the obligations of Intrum (including social security contributions) relating to the long-term incentive program 2020. The buyback program, which Intrum announced on 23 October 2020, is carried out in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (“MAR”) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052 (“Safe Harbour Regulation”).

The shares have been repurchased as follows.

Date Aggregated daily volume (number of shares) Weighted average share price per day (SEK) Total daily transaction value (SEK)
26 October 2020 25,000 239.9111 5,997,778
27 October 2020 25,000 232.7416 5,818,540
28 October 2020 25,000 218.0593 5,451,483
29 October 2020 25,000 217.8098 5,445,245
30 October 2020 25,000 217.3998 5,434,995

All acquisitions have been carried out on Nasdaq Stockholm by Nordea Bank Abp on behalf of Intrum. Following the acquisitions above, Intrum’s holding of own shares amounted to 725,000 as per 30 October 2020. The total number of shares in Intrum is 121,720,918.

A full breakdown of the transactions conducted in accordance with article 5.3 of MAR and article 2.3 of the Safe Harbour Regulation is attached to this press release. Since 26 October 2020 up to and including 30 October 2020, a total of 125,000 shares have been repurchased within the scope of the program. A maximum of 250,000 shares in total may be repurchased. For information about all transactions carried out under the buyback program, reference is made to Nasdaq Stockholm’s website:

For further information, please contact:
Viktor Lindeberg, Head of Investor Relations & Group Business Control
+46 (0) 76 897 07 08
+46 (0) 8 546 102 02

This information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 09.00 CET on 4 november 2020 at 9.00 a.m. CET.

Intrum is the industry-leading provider of Credit Management Services with a presence in 24 markets in Europe. Intrum helps companies prosper by offering solutions designed to improve cash flows and long-term profitability and by caring for their customers. To ensure that individuals and companies get the support they need to become free from debt is one important part of the company’s mission. Intrum has circa 10,000 dedicated professionals who serve around 80,000 companies across Europe. In 2019, revenues amounted to SEK 16.0 billion. Intrum is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and the Intrum share is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange. For further information, please visit
