Bulletin from Investor AB’s Annual General Meeting

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The Annual General Meeting approved the proposed dividend to shareholders of SEK 4.75 per share. The record date was determined as Tuesday, April 8, 2008. The dividend is scheduled to be distributed by VPC AB (the Swedish Securities Register Center) on Friday, April 11, 2008.

The Meeting discharged the members of the Board and the President from liability for fiscal year 2007.

Current board members Sune Carlsson, Börje Ekholm, Sirkka Hämäläinen, Håkan Mogren, Grace Reksten Skaugen, Anders Scharp, O. Griffith Sexton, Lena Treschow Torell, Jacob Wallenberg and Peter Wallenberg Jr were re-elected.

The Meeting re-elected Jacob Wallenberg as Chairman of the Board.

The Meeting approved the compensation to the Board for 2008 totaling 6,937,500 Swedish kronor, unchanged from last year, which will be divided, in cash and in so-called synthetic shares, as follows: 1,875,000 Swedish kronor to the Chairman, 500,000 Swedish kronor to the other eight members of the Board not employed in the company, and a total of 1,062,500 Swedish kronor in cash for work in the committees of the Board.

The Meeting approved the allocation of fees related to committee work as follows: the Chairman of the Audit Committee 187,500 Swedish kronor and the three remaining members 125,000 Swedish kronor each; the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee 125,000 Swedish kronor and the two remaining members 62,500 Swedish kronor each; and the Chairman of the Finance and Risk Committee 125,000 Swedish kronor and the two remaining members 62,500 Swedish kronor each.

The Meeting approved that 25 percent of gross remuneration before taxes, excluding fees for committee work, shall be paid through allocation of synthetic shares. However, a member of the Board may elect to receive 50 percent of remuneration in synthetic shares. Due to administrative reasons, board members with foreign tax domicile shall be entitled to receive 100 percent of their remuneration in cash.

The Meeting approved the Board’s decision regarding guidelines for salary and other remuneration for the President and other members of management for 2008, and the scope and key principles of the long-term variable remuneration program for management and other employees for 2008, consisting of a Stock Matching Plan and a Performance Share Program.

The Meeting authorized the Board to decide on the purchase and transfer of the company’s own shares in order to give the Board of Directors wider freedom of action in their work with the company’s capital structure, and to give the possibility to transfer shares to the employees and to secure the costs, including social security payments, in connection with the long-term variable remuneration program and with the allocation of synthetic shares as part of the remuneration to the Board.

The Meeting approved the proposal for the Nomination Committee.

At the statutory meeting of the Board held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting, Anders Scharp was elected Vice Chairman. The following members of the Board were elected to the Remuneration Committee: Jacob Wallenberg (Chairman), Anders Scharp and O. Griffith Sexton. The following members of the Board were elected to the Audit Committee: Sune Carlsson (Chairman), Håkan Mogren, Jacob Wallenberg and Peter Wallenberg Jr. The following members of the Board were elected to the Finance and Risk Committee: Sirkka Hämäläinen (Chairman), Grace Reksten Skaugen and Jacob Wallenberg.

Board of Directors

For further information:
Fredrik Lindgren, Vice President, Head of Corporate Communications, Phone +46 8 614 2031, +46 735 24 2031
Oscar Stege Unger, Vice President, Head of Investor Relations, Phone: +46 8 614 2059, +46 70 624 2059


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