Bulletin from Investor AB’s Annual General Meeting 2020

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The Annual General Meeting of Investor AB (the “Meeting”) on June 17, 2020, has due to the corona virus solely been carried out through advance voting pursuant to temporary legislation. The traditional Investor Dialog, which is usually held before the Meeting, is this year instead a prerecorded interview with the Chair of the Board Jacob Wallenberg and the President Johan Forssell, which is published on Investor's website, www.investorab.com.

The resolutions passed at the Meeting included the following.

Approval of the income statement and the balance sheet
The Meeting approved the income statement and the balance sheet for the parent company, as well as of the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet for the fiscal year 2019.

The Meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal of the Board, on dividend to the shareholders of SEK 9.00 per share with the record date Monday, June 22, 2020. The dividend is expected to be paid on Thursday, June 25, 2020.

Board of Directors
The Meeting discharged the members of the Board and the President from liability for the fiscal year 2019.

The Meeting re-elected, in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, the Board members Gunnar Brock, Johan Forssell, Magdalena Gerger, Tom Johnstone, Sara Mazur, Grace Reksten Skaugen, Hans Stråberg, Lena Treschow Torell, Jacob Wallenberg and Marcus Wallenberg. In accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, the Meeting re-elected Jacob Wallenberg as Chair of the Board of Directors.

Compensation to the Board of Directors
The Meeting resolved on unchanged compensation to the Board in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal of in total SEK 10,950,000, which will be divided, in cash and in so-called synthetic shares, as follows: SEK 2,800,000 to the Chair, SEK 1,625,000 to the Vice Chair, SEK 750,000 to the other seven members of the Board not employed by the Company, and a total of SEK 1,275,000 in cash for work in the committees of the Board. The compensation for work in the committees of the Board is allocated in the sum of SEK 305,000 to the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee and SEK 200,000 to the three other members each, SEK 180,000 to the Chair of the Remuneration Committee and SEK 95,000 to the two other members each.

The Meeting re-elected Deloitte AB as Auditor of the Company for the period until the end of the Meeting 2021 in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal.

Guidelines for remuneration
The Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal regarding guidelines for remuneration for the President and other members of the Extended Management Group, (Remuneration Policy). The guidelines corresponds in substance with the guidelines decided by the Meeting 2019.

Long-term variable remuneration programs
The Meeting approved, in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, the scope and key principles of both the long-term variable remuneration program for employees within Investor, excluding Patricia Industries (consisting of a Stock Matching Plan and a Performance-Based Share Program), and the long-term variable remuneration program for employees within Patricia Industries (based on the same structure as the program for Investor, but related to the value growth of Patricia Industries instead of the Investor share). The programs are substantially the same as the programs decided by the Meeting 2019. 

Purchase and transfer of own shares
The Meeting authorized the Board, for the time until the Meeting of 2021, to decide on the purchase and transfer of the Company’s own shares of class A and class B, in order to give the Board wider freedom of action in their work with the Company’s capital structure, to enable transfer of own shares under the long-term variable remuneration program for employees within Investor, and to secure the costs, including the social security payments, in connection with the said program and with the allocation of synthetic shares as part of the remuneration to the Board. 

The Meeting further resolved that transfer of own shares of class B in the Company shall be possible to employees participating in the long-term variable remuneration program 2020. A maximum of 500,000 shares or the higher number that may follow from a recalculation because of a split, bonus issue or similar action may be transferred. Transfer of own shares to employees shall be possible during the period and at the prices which employees are entitled to purchase shares under the program. The Company currently holds 1,703,528 own B-shares.

Articles of Association
The Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal regarding amendments to the Articles of Association.

Proposal from shareholder Thorwald Arvidsson
The Meeting did not approve the proposals from shareholder Thorwald Arvidsson.

Statutory Board Meeting
At the statutory meeting of the Board, held in conjunction with the Meeting, the following members of the Board were elected to the Remuneration Committee: Jacob Wallenberg (Chair), Tom Johnstone and Lena Treschow Torell. The following members of the Board were elected to the Audit and Risk Committee: Grace Reksten Skaugen (Chair), Gunnar Brock, Magdalena Gerger and Jacob Wallenberg. Marcus Wallenberg was elected to Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Investor AB.

At the statutory meeting, the Board approved, in accordance with the recommendation of the Nomination Committee, to, as in 2019, establish a policy pursuant to which the members of the Board, that do not already have such holding, are expected to, over a five year period, acquire an ownership in Investor shares (or a corresponding exposure to the Investor share, for example in synthetic shares) with a market value which is expected to correspond to at least one year board compensation, before taxes, excluding compensation for committee work.

The Board of Directors
Investor AB (publ)


For further information:

Viveka Hirdman-Ryrberg, Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainability, 
Phone +46 70 550 3500

Magnus Dalhammar, Head of Investor Relations, 
Phone +46 73 524 2130

Our press releases can be accessed at www.investorab.com

Investor, founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916, is an engaged owner of high quality global companies. We have a long-term investment perspective. Through board participation, as well as industrial experience, our network and financial strength, we work continuously to support our companies to remain or become best-in-class. Our holdings include, among others, ABB, Atlas Copco, Ericsson, Mölnlycke and SEB.