Interim Report January-March 2011

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• On April 7, 2011 Investor announced structural changes, including increased focus on Core Investments, restructuring of Investor Growth Capital and annual cost reductions of SEK 140 m. with full impact by the end of 2012. A new reporting structure has been implemented as of this quarter.
• Additional purchases were made in Electrolux and NASDAQ OMX.
• Gambro Holding signed an agreement to sell CaridianBCT for USD 2,625 m. The transaction has received all necessary approvals and is expected to close on April 13, 2011. Following this, a positive impact of an estimated SEK 4.5 bn. will be included in Investor’s net asset value.

Financial information
• Net asset value amounted to SEK 169,563 m. (SEK 223 per share) on March 31, 2011, compared to SEK 169,386 m. (SEK 223 per share) at year-end 2010, corresponding to a change, with dividend added back, of 0 percent for the first quarter (5).
• Consolidated net profit for the period, including unrealized change in value, was SEK 346 m. (SEK 0.51 per share), compared to SEK 7,475 m. for the same period 2010 (SEK 9.80 per share).
• Core Investments contributed SEK -923 m. to net asset value during the period (7,574), of which listed investments contributed SEK -809 m. (7,581) and subsidiaries SEK -114 m. (-7).
• Financial Investments contributed SEK 1,586 m. to net asset value for the period (332).
• Leverage (net debt/total assets) was 7.5 percent as of March 31, 2011 (6.3).
• The total return on the Investor share was 6 percent during the first quarter (4). The total annual return averaged 4 percent over the past 5-year period, 6 percent over the past 10-year period and 12 percent over the past 20-year period.

For further information:
Oscar Stege Unger, Head of Corporate Communications, Phone 46 8 614 2059, 46 70 624 2059
Magnus Dalhammar, Investor Relations Manager, Phone 46 8 614 2130, 46 73 524 2130


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