Reminder: Invitation to Investor AB’s Capital Markets Day

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Representatives from the financial markets and the media are invited to attend Investor’s Capital Markets Day in Stockholm, Tuesday, May 18, 2010, from 08:45 a.m. The purpose of the Capital Markets Day is to present Investor’s strategy and activities within its three business areas; Core Investments, Operating Investments and Private Equity Investments. Speakers include Investor’s management and the CEOs of the major Operating Investments (see agenda on the next page). Venue: Grand Hôtel, Stockholm Attendance: If you would like to attend Investor’s Capital Markets Day, please contact Helen Jönsson, phone: +46 8 614 2046 or For further information: Oscar Stege Unger, Head of Corporate Communications, Phone +46 8 614 2059, +46 70 624 2059 Magnus Dalhammar, Investor Relations Manager, Phone +46 8 614 2130, +46 735 24 2130   Agenda 08:45-09:10 Registration and coffee 09:10-09:15 Grand Hôtel’s CEO Marie-Louise Kjellström 09:15-09:40 Börje Ekholm introduces Investor and its strategy 09:40-09:55 Johan Bygge, Financials 09:55-10:10 Lennart Johansson, Head of Operating Investments 10:10-10:45 3 Scandinavia 10:45-11:20 Swedish Orphan Biovitrum 11:20-11:40 Break 11:40-12:15 Johan Forssell, Head of Core Investments 12:15-12:30 Q&A 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:20 Stephen Campe, Head of Investor Growth Capital 14:20-14:55 Gambro 14:55-15:30 CaridianBCT 15:30-16:00 Break 16:00-16:35 Lindorff 16:35-17:10 Mölnlycke Health Care 17:10-17:25 Börje Ekholm closing remarks 17:30-19:00 Mingle Speakers: Börje Ekholm President and CEO Johan Bygge CFO Johan Forssell Head of Core Investments Lennart Johansson Head of Operating Investments Stephen Campe Head of Investor Growth Capital Peder Ramel CEO 3 Scandinavia Martin Nicklasson CEO Swedish Orphan Biovitrum Thomas Glanzmann CEO Gambro David Perez CEO CaridianBCT Endre Rangnes CEO Lindorff Pierre Guyot CEO Mölnlycke Health Care


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