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YEAR-END RELEASE 2003 · This year-end release has been prepared in accordance with the equity accounting method for associate companies. · Net turnover for the year was SEK 1,186.0 (983.3) million. · Consolidated income after financial items amounted to SEK 602.0 (-1,069.5) million for the full year, including capital gains of SEK 48.3 (-227.0) million on the sale of shares. · Net income amounted to SEK 751.0 (-1,121.9) million for the full year. · Earnings per share amounted to SEK 96.78 (-144.57) for the full year. · Modern Finance Group reported income after financial items of SEK 129.7 (-147.2) million for the full year. · The market value of the long-term securities portfolio increased during the year by SEK 3,824 million to SEK 8,020 million. · Moderna Försäkringar's turnover increased by 44% to SEK 707.5 (491.4) million. · The assets under management in MPK increased by 57% to SEK 7,336 (4,659) million. · Fischer Partners became the fifth largest member on Stockholmsbörsen, with a 5.7% (4.1%) share of the turnover on Stockholmsbörsen. · The Board proposes to pay a cash dividend of SEK 5 (3) per share. Anders Fällman, CEO of Invik & Co. AB, commented: "The businesses in the Modern Finance Group ("MFG") performed very well during the year. The profit of SEK 130 million earned by MFG exceeded the target, and the businesses are continuing to show strong growth." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT WWW.INVIK.SE OR CONTACT: Anders Fällman, Chief Executive Officer tel +46 (0) 8 562 000 20 Henrik Persson, Investor & Press Relations tel +44 (0) 7747 822 406 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: The full report

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