New CFO for INVISIO Communications appointed

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Stockholm, April 16, 2012

INVISIO (IVSO) has appointed Thomas Larsson as new Chief Financial Officer for INVISIO Communications.

Larsson has previous experience from positions such as CFO for Systemtextgruppen AB and Financial manager at Doro Nordic AB.

Larsson starts his employment today and will enter his position during the summer when the current CFO Bengt Nilsson is leaving the company due to retirement.

For additional information, please contact:

Lars Højgård Hansen, CEO INVISIO Communications

Mobile: + 45 53 72 7722



About INVISIO Communications AB

INVISIO Communications AB is a public company listed on the NASDAQ OMX First North Premier Segment (ticker code: IVSO) an alternative market on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. INVISIO specializes in voice communications in difficult conditions. The company develops, manufactures, markets and sells communication solutions such as advanced headsets control units and accessories for use with two-way radio, primarily for professional users who often work in difficult environments. The customers are for example found in the military and military Special Forces, police and SWAT teams, emergency services, the security sector, and various industries throughout the world. Additional information is available on the company’s web site at Mangold Fondkommission AB is Certified Adviser for INVISIO Communications AB.