Extraordinary general meeting for election of board
The Board of Invuo Technologies AB (Invuo) will convene a Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for the election of board members. The meeting will be held on 1 October 2018.
Number of board members
Invuo's Articles of Association stipulate that the company's board shall consist of at least 4 members. Today the Board consists of 3 members (Tomas Jalling, Robin Saunders and Petra Sas). An extraordinary general meeting therefore needs to be held to supplement the Board.
Petra Sas leaves the board
In connection with the EGM, Petra Sas will leave her seat in Invuo's Board. The reason for leaving is that she is assuming a new operational position which means that she does not have the time required to remain in Invuo's board.
New Members
As a result of Petra Sas leaving the Board, 2 new Board members need to be appointed at the forthcoming EGM. The Nomination Committee's proposal for new Board members is intended to be presented in the invite for the EGM.
For further information, please contact:
John Longhurst, CEO, john.longhurst@invuo.com, +46 8 564 878 00
Martin Schedin, CFO, martin.schedin@invuo.com, +46 8 564 878 00
This information is such that Invuo Technologies AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. This information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at CET 08:50 on September 3, 2018.
About Invuo
Since 2001 Invuo has been providing its proprietary solutions and systems for mobile phone transactions. Invuo operates in two main business areas; mobile phone payment solutions provided through the brand MeaWallet™, and distribution of e-products.